By popular demand, removed DOF and tweaked the trees a bit.
Here's a little environment I did recently.
It was actually my first project rendered with Vray. Next one should be a lot more polished now that I know how to optimize the settings better and what pitfalls to avoid. It was a learning experience. Done in 3DS Max 4.2 with compositing in After Effects. All textures painted in Photoshop or designed in Illustrator.
The goal of this piece was not so much to achieve photographic quality of rendering, but to try to make an impression of autumn season.
Here is a wireframe:
And the shaded view:
I wrote a few lines about the process of making this environment on my website which you can read at http://www.eldargraphics.com/tutorials/. Nothing too elaborate, but there are some more images of different passes used in the final composite, and few tidbits of info. Most likely nothing new for the veterans of this forum.
Comments welcome, as I am always eager to learn and improve.
Happy new year to everyone.
By popular demand, removed DOF and tweaked the trees a bit.
Here's a little environment I did recently.
It was actually my first project rendered with Vray. Next one should be a lot more polished now that I know how to optimize the settings better and what pitfalls to avoid. It was a learning experience. Done in 3DS Max 4.2 with compositing in After Effects. All textures painted in Photoshop or designed in Illustrator.
The goal of this piece was not so much to achieve photographic quality of rendering, but to try to make an impression of autumn season.
Here is a wireframe:
And the shaded view:
I wrote a few lines about the process of making this environment on my website which you can read at http://www.eldargraphics.com/tutorials/. Nothing too elaborate, but there are some more images of different passes used in the final composite, and few tidbits of info. Most likely nothing new for the veterans of this forum.
Comments welcome, as I am always eager to learn and improve.
Happy new year to everyone.