Here are some images I did recently for a competition of a project developer who hired two prestigious architecture firms to design the buildings. The project developer however called me after I submitted the images, to tell me that he couldn't use them because they were too good.
Instead they got someone to trace the images in a very bad manner. The architects were furious and I don't think they even used the traced ones.
Anyway, some of the the 'too good' images.

Lighting was done with a HDR image and a direct spotlight. Trees are Onyx, 5 different types, instanced to make about 150 trees.
The hanging gardens on the big building were done in PS (a lot of clicking).

Instead they got someone to trace the images in a very bad manner. The architects were furious and I don't think they even used the traced ones.
Anyway, some of the the 'too good' images.

Lighting was done with a HDR image and a direct spotlight. Trees are Onyx, 5 different types, instanced to make about 150 trees.
The hanging gardens on the big building were done in PS (a lot of clicking).