Basic workflow I figured out using max to model base meshes, headus to uv unwrap, zbrush to detail, max to assign materials, and vray to render. Any tips you guys have on how I can improve this workflow would be appreciated! Go easy on me I have only been using max for about a week now, I am originally a maya user
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teaching myself 3dsmax :D
Never mind it was just a shitty materials test I was doing. I was stoked on figuring out how to transfer my workflow over to max. I forget u guys are like +10 yr industry veterans and that these probably are the equivalent of presenting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to Gordon Ramsey. My bad when I find a job and get a real render I will put it up on here. I was simply feeding on my own human psychological trait for assurance from others who are more experienced.
Haha, I think that's a bit harsh on yourself. I like the materials. I think the effect you've achieved with the water on the asphalt is quite good and realistic. I use ZBrush as well, but it's not that useful on most projects, a painted displacement works better and is easier . Your metal looks a bit weird, bump too crazy and diffuse lines or something look odd. I'd be interested to see your material tests for creating some awesome shaders for some strange materials.
This thread just isn't asking a question that's specific enough to answer , just too general. Ask specifics and you'll get farther.
Hope you're well. Welcome to the community.
-ColinColin Senner
Thx Colin! I'm at that point where I am feeling comfortable in max so when I get the drive to stop experimenting with stuff and try and throw a legit scene together I am sure it will be easier for people to refine it. There will be more variables present and less abstract presentation of materials.
No prob. Please don't stop posting. We need more posts frankly. Feel free to ask anything or always post in off-topic forums if it's unrelated to vray or 3d specifically. It's always good to think back to how I learned max and see things through a newer users eyes again. Some things we take for granted as "everyone knows that", we have to take a step back and remember that's not true. Welcome again. I'll be posting a modeling/texturing/lighting tutorial that I've been recording. Maybe it'll help. Always glad to see new enthusiastic users to this great software. If you can try and make it to Siggraph as well. A bunch of us should be there.
-ColinColin Senner
Originally posted by Ge0m3tRiC View PostNever mind it was just a shitty materials test I was doing. I was stoked on figuring out how to transfer my workflow over to max. I forget u guys are like +10 yr industry veterans and that these probably are the equivalent of presenting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to Gordon Ramsey.
Welcome! and yeah just keep testing and posting your tests.
Originally posted by DADAL View PostHeya
hehe welcome to max n vray ! Hope all goes well for you, little advice stick to physics and how real word works... dont go too crazy on creative artificial side !:]Ville Kiuru