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Enviroment: Sunshine Farm

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  • Enviroment: Sunshine Farm


    Here is a scene done with MAX 6.0 and Vray. The grass is displacemente.
    Please comments...

  • #2
    Really not bad!!!!

    The only thing that for me decrease the realism of the scene is the tree, a little bit artificial.....
    Can you explain how do you setted the water please? Is very realistic!!!

    Bye and compliments!
    3d Graphics ||


    • #3
      yeah. very nice indeed

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • #4
        any chance of a screen shot....? PLEASE! LOL

        I am currently working on a pond with rocks bordering the waters edge!

        Great job with displacement.



        • #5
          I can't help but notice that your lighting and background don't match so well. Don't get me wrong, the lighting is great but from the background pic that you placed, the sun is setting and your scene shows no long shadows at all. I belive that if you want ot make it realistic, you should try to match your lighting to the backgrond image (or change the background image to match your lighting, your choice). As a suggestion, look at good photographs (preferably by professional photographers) and see how the lighting setup is with this kind of background.

          Lets say you want to change your lighting to match your sunset background. The objects of your scene that face you that are vertical in face should be very dark since they would fall in their own shadow created by that setting sun. There will also be very long shadows like on the rocks, the tree, etc. Also there will be a very strong orange tint to everything. Again, looks at pictures of sunset landscapes.



          • #6
            Thanks for all the comments!!
            I see that the background doesn´t fit, but its the second time that
            i try to change it... In my next image i´ll take some reference before...

            Neo2k1 the water is a Vray material, with some bump for the waves,a lot of reflections, 1.6 of IOR (don´t know if its the water IOR), and i gave some blue color on difuse.

            Here is the link for the first try. Well, the background doesn´t fit too...



            • #7
              I like it a lot, the one thing i can add to the above is that i can see tiling in your grass.

              A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


              • #8
                Thank you very much for answer!

                bye and compliments
                3d Graphics ||


                • #9
                  Actually the 1st picture has a closer match with the background than the sunset one. The sky is pretty close, the only thing you have to do is photoshop the mountains to make them look more green (instead of blue) and you are almost there.


                  here is a quick PS touch up on your image


                  • #10
                    How do u make that path way with a tiny little grass on top? with vray displacement? how do u make the mapping? with grass and sand together....pls post post your mapping and more info plsss....


                    • #11
                      Hi Leo, Parabens!

                      Very nice scene, second image much "nicer" and lively, What are you using for the foliage?, I mean the shrubs, are they geometry, a program generating it?




                      • #12
                        Thanks for all replies!!

                        Very nice scene, second image much "nicer" and lively, What are you using for the foliage?, I mean the shrubs, are they geometry, a program generating it?
                        Fermi, all of the vegetation is modedeled here in our company. They are all max geometry, but there is a problem... Every bush in the scene has
                        600.000 faces, and the tree has 2.500.000 faces. It makes a heavy scene.

                        How do u make that path way with a tiny little grass on top? with vray displacement? how do u make the mapping? with grass and sand together....pls post post your mapping and more info plsss....

                        sho, the grass is vray displacement. To make this efect, first you have to model the terrain. Second, you duplicate the mesh, and move it a little bit
                        down, this mesh will be the grass. Then you modify it with some noise or
                        soft selection, to make te grass irregular. When you render you will see the efect...

                        Actually the 1st picture has a closer match with the background than the sunset one. The sky is pretty close, the only thing you have to do is photoshop the mountains to make them look more green (instead of blue) and you are almost there.


                        here is a quick PS touch up on your image
                        j.galang, i didn´t have time to change the background, but with this change it becomes better.



                        • #13
                          The images is amazing, AMAZING!, is hard to do natural environments for me and you really pulled off, mind sharing the grass material? it looks amazing.

                          Beautiful work. impresive.


                          • #14
                            simple amazing piece of work. I love it. Real Eye candy.

                            The grass/sand/peeble combo looks brilliant, I and everyone else here would love a quick tut on how that was done. was the sand done procedurally or just a photo?


                            • #15
                              u have done a dangerous job. congrats

                              btw. what is your AGP card? i think very powerfull card. not like bullshit nvedia.

