Hi everyone i just had a quick question about a scene that im making. The tube in the center is supposed to be glass but its not revealing the inside of the tube. Ive played around with the IOR but nothings worked. I attached a picture of the scene with the glass and then the scene without the glass. the light coming from inside the tube doesnt seem to make it out of the tube when the lgass is there. THanks for your help!
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Yeah, have you made actually a tube or a solid piece of glass
You need to tell vray that your tube is made with a thin piece of glass and not a 1 meter radius cylinder IOR 1.51.
You can use 'solidify' (free modifier) to do so, it's quick and easy.
mmmm ...... what you need to do is model the glass as it would be.
your glass is a solid, you need to model a hollow tube so the glass has a thickness, as it would be in real life.
example ..........
Nice render by the way
I've also experienced quite a few weirdnesses when coming from
rhino. I assume you used the 'tube' function which should generate a
good model which is actually hollow inside, however when things go
awry with rhino models, I first check the normals. More often than not
rhino likes to pick arbitrary directions for stuff that seems perfectly
rational to you and me.
I am by far not a rhino expert, but... It I can get closer to what i want to
model in that program than max, so I use it. Not without pain and suffering