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  • Toxic


    i have rendered this with the freeware version of vray.
    i am only a self taught maxer who does this kind of stuff for fun... so please don´t hit me hard.

    i have done the model after a design sketch from electronic arts i found on a webpage.

    i post here because i have a question.

    can i make the plane look like grass with the displacement function of the demo and let the truck leaving threads on it?

    or any other way? maybe a trick that works for animation too?

  • #2
    that looks awesome!!

    How did u do the little tufts of grass around the rocks?

    Im not sure how you would get animated tracks tho, i remember seeing a thread around here somewhere (i think ) where the mentioned how that could be done, but i cant seem to find it.


    • #3
      yeah got to agree ..... your texture work is brilliant


      • #4
        Using 'free'? For fun? With that quality, consider a career move. Really nice work.



        • #5
          Really great! for the grass just make a displacement map with the grass and paint the tracks on top make the track areas black or dark grey so they dont displace to much, it is just like a bump map
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            To create an animated texture for the tread, create a plane with only one poly. Use linked Xform to link the front two vertexes to the tires leaving the tracks. Dump a tiled UVW Mapping modifier on top of that.
            A map with an alpha would be needed for the plane....
            Two heads are better than one ...
            ....but some head is better than none.....


            • #7
              very cool image.
              the only thing i dont like is that cute laser on top.
              i would mount something more mechanic like an old m60 or stinger.

              i agree with spongebob mike about the tread technique.
              simple and elegant
              but u could also use a plugin like ghosttrails which will put geometry on the floor, thats better if you drive a curve and not straight ahead.

              you can use the animated treads in black on a white background to render a top viewport to get an animated displacement map


              • #8
                thanks for all your help. much appreciated!

                @DaForce: the grass stands are simple splines.

                @gl0w: it´s no laser, it´s a high power nozzle for toxic material.
                something like the toxic tractor in C&C generals.


                • #9

                  please, share this knowledge
                  you should definatly think about that career move....
                  have you written some texturing tutorials?
                  if not, you should


                  • #10
                    im glad that you like it.

                    this was made after a sketch from concept artist feng zhu.

                    should have some old, comic like blueprint look.
                    vray was used for a little GI... but after the photoshop work there is not much GI visible anymore.

                    this is one of the first 3d objects i made (with povray).
                    it´s a battlemech or mechwarrior, modeled after a cover from a game.
                    last year i decided to model it again with max.

                    i don´t like the mech design anymore (there are better looking mechs for sure) i made it only for nostalgic reasons.

                    i used vray free for a little GI.
                    the dof effect is made with photoshop.


                    • #11
                      i am only a self taught maxer who does this kind of stuff for fun... so please don´t hit me hard.
                      probably who is hit harder are the pro's that struggle to get to this sort of level
                      Digital Progression


                      • #12

                        Your pulling our legs Mr Hobby!


                        • #13
                          the first picture of this post is realy very very nice! I like it a lot.


                          • #14
                            looks great.


                            • #15
                              not bad

