Hi there,
Let me introduce myself. I'm (almost) 20 years old and i learned 3dsMax by trial and error. Over the time i made many tests to improve my skills and although they can eat up some time, they can teach you a lot. Now i work @ lichtecht.com and we just bought Vray. I got my hands on the new internal version and i have to say it's incredibly cool. (although there are many bugs left)
So do you guys stressed the new Vray Version with some tests yet?
There are many people that dont have this version yet so let's start a Thread with some cool tests we made!
Thats why got so far:

This is a procedural Symbiont Texture that displaces a simple Sphere.
It renders much faster than in the "older" versions of Vray. Congrats Vlado and Peter!

The new VrayFur. There's no SSS on the Sphere. Rendered with direct computation. (to get the small gi-shadows from the Hairs)

Well, this is not that good looking but technically it's impressive!
As you can see on the objects in the front they consist of quite a few polygons. Actually the Scene consists of more than 3 Billion (!!!) Faces.
This was done with the help of VrayMesh and the new dynamic racaster. The objects are copied not instanced. I don't know if it makes a different for Vray though. The scene rendered 15min, but it was not the geometry that stressed Vray the most - it was the Antialising of the fine structures in the back. I rendered with fixed rate. From what i saw the Raycaster works like a charm. I turned the memory limit up to 600mb and it never exceeded this limit. Congrats Vlado and Peter!
Ok, if you have some tests, post them here!
Let me introduce myself. I'm (almost) 20 years old and i learned 3dsMax by trial and error. Over the time i made many tests to improve my skills and although they can eat up some time, they can teach you a lot. Now i work @ lichtecht.com and we just bought Vray. I got my hands on the new internal version and i have to say it's incredibly cool. (although there are many bugs left)
So do you guys stressed the new Vray Version with some tests yet?
There are many people that dont have this version yet so let's start a Thread with some cool tests we made!
Thats why got so far:

This is a procedural Symbiont Texture that displaces a simple Sphere.
It renders much faster than in the "older" versions of Vray. Congrats Vlado and Peter!

The new VrayFur. There's no SSS on the Sphere. Rendered with direct computation. (to get the small gi-shadows from the Hairs)

Well, this is not that good looking but technically it's impressive!
As you can see on the objects in the front they consist of quite a few polygons. Actually the Scene consists of more than 3 Billion (!!!) Faces.
This was done with the help of VrayMesh and the new dynamic racaster. The objects are copied not instanced. I don't know if it makes a different for Vray though. The scene rendered 15min, but it was not the geometry that stressed Vray the most - it was the Antialising of the fine structures in the back. I rendered with fixed rate. From what i saw the Raycaster works like a charm. I turned the memory limit up to 600mb and it never exceeded this limit. Congrats Vlado and Peter!

Ok, if you have some tests, post them here!