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New WIP, please comment

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  • New WIP, please comment

    Here is my, well, slightly new, is still waiting for some objects...
    Critics very welcome...Thanks

  • #2
    looks nice.. Should think the plant should look a lil more glossy. Whats the reason for the 6hr render time?

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      I know, I am working on it.

      The render time...I dont know why it renders so slow,
      Its -3 0 GI
      Very high alliasing 1 to 3....
      Direct computation reflections, some 3d displacement

      and my slow machine....1.4 Athlon with 512MB ram ((((


      • #4
        Nice, but a little bit dark for me.

        To speed up the rendering, try:
        - interpolated glossy for still images
        - lower max rate for GI with increased Hsph. subdiv, or take a try with photon maps
        - your 1-3 AA means adaptive antialising? If yes, save the irrad map, and start to render with low setting, then increase step by step, until you find the correct pair of min/max rate.

        Best regards,


        • #5
          Nice couch!

          The dark objects: table and closet fronts are very dark, I believe you want to visualize Wenge or Rosewood.. if so, work on that.



          • #6
            Yep I gotta work on that wood....naturally wenge is very dark and the texture is hard to be seen, but I think it needs more specular highlight , so the texture shows up a bit....and more reflections of course....

            Ill have to get rid of that bookcase...I dont like it....Ill try something better.....

            Does anyone know how to convert xfrog plant to vraymat to give it some highlight?

            Anyway thanks for comments!!!!


            • #7
              hehehe i have never seen a young banana plant inside before

              I have converted that plants maps to vray mtl, if you want i can post them here for you to use.


              • #8
                wicked isnt it.....I used it just to add some vegetation......this whole project is really just for fun and for learning vray...

                ...but I would really appreciate if you posted the mats...

                or at least share the knowledge of converting....

                Thank you!!


                • #9
         grandma has young banana pland inside her livingroom...
                  but in a bigger basket...


                  • #10
                    heheh yeah that is one of my favourite xfrog plants

                    i will post the mats when i get home. in a few hours

                    p.s. did you just use the xfrog max plugin to get the model into max?


                    • #11
                      I just simply imported it.....

                      xfrog folder....

                      than it asked me if I want to use premultilpied alpha....

                      so I left it checked and there it favorite banana
                      only withou any specular highlights which makes it look like velvet...


                      • #12
                        btw...what kind of reflection settings do you use with wood...
                        the pictures above have fresnell that a mistake? Should I use reflection falloff distance/camera instead?

                        Also what reflection IOR would you suggest? 15???


                        Bananas rule!!!


                        • #13
                          ok, basically you need to create the vray material for the plant your self...but its pretty easy as its just a multi/sub material.

                          But you will need to have an alpha map for each of the leaf textures as vray doesnt work properly with the alpha channel of the tif file so you need 2 maps. 1 diffuse map (the leaf texture) and one alpha map (made in photoshop)

                          You put the texture map in the diffuse of a vray material and you put the alpha map in the refract slot, you may or may not need to invert the alpha map....but thats easy. then set the IOR to 1.0, also make sure you have apply cropping the all the maps.

                          That should do it....if you come across and problems let me know straight away and i will know up a quick scene file for you

                          ooo yeah here are all the leaf maps (including alpha)

                          As for the wood, it depends on the type of wood....i would leave fresnel off, and just add a little reflection and made a touch of glossys....would look sweet.


                          • #14
                            Thank you DaForce,
                            Ill work on that as soon as I get home.

                            Ill post the results when I am done...


                            • #15
                              No worries.

                              Cool cant wait to see how it pans out

