Please Chaos-group, make another plugin specifically for clouds/atmospherics! Perhaps a large amount of the R&D that went into phoenix could be used?
At the moment the only real option for people is more 3rd party stuff like Ozone, which whilst it produces fantastic results I find it's integration to be really, really clunky and difficult to get to grips with. I'd love the simplicity of being able to create a vray sun & sky and then just pull in a chaos group atmospherics plugin to do all the rest.
At the moment the only real option for people is more 3rd party stuff like Ozone, which whilst it produces fantastic results I find it's integration to be really, really clunky and difficult to get to grips with. I'd love the simplicity of being able to create a vray sun & sky and then just pull in a chaos group atmospherics plugin to do all the rest.