This was an old school project modeled in rhino. I rendered it with vray now to test powerrhinotomax plugin to open rhino files in max.
Long time ago I tried it with normal 3ds import, meshed everything manually in rhino and imported in max. I took ages to convert it and then it wouldn't render because it was so heavy (there are +-1500 objects, of which +-1000 small cylinders and stuff like that).
Now with the plugin I named every part in rhino, and opened it directly in max. It took +-3minutes to open it, and +-50sec to make the high quality mesh before rendering (it creates the mesh for you, with very good quality!)
It rendered very easily now!
Here's the result (don't mind the background image )
I really love this power rhinotomax plugin!
There's one problem on the displaced stuff. I first put the uvwmap and vraydispl modiefier on the horizontal green thing. Then I copied the modiefiers and put them on the other. I rotated the UVW map if needed. As you can see, the first one has different result than the other ones! The 'hairs' are thicker. Every setting is the same so I have no clue why this happens??
This was an old school project modeled in rhino. I rendered it with vray now to test powerrhinotomax plugin to open rhino files in max.
Long time ago I tried it with normal 3ds import, meshed everything manually in rhino and imported in max. I took ages to convert it and then it wouldn't render because it was so heavy (there are +-1500 objects, of which +-1000 small cylinders and stuff like that).
Now with the plugin I named every part in rhino, and opened it directly in max. It took +-3minutes to open it, and +-50sec to make the high quality mesh before rendering (it creates the mesh for you, with very good quality!)
It rendered very easily now!
Here's the result (don't mind the background image )
I really love this power rhinotomax plugin!
There's one problem on the displaced stuff. I first put the uvwmap and vraydispl modiefier on the horizontal green thing. Then I copied the modiefiers and put them on the other. I rotated the UVW map if needed. As you can see, the first one has different result than the other ones! The 'hairs' are thicker. Every setting is the same so I have no clue why this happens??