I've just finished a personal portfolio image done in Blender and VB25:
Thanks for viewing and all comments are appreciated:

More info and w.i.p. pics on my blog :
In the blog post you can see i used for texturing a small python texture plugin i made myself:
I think it’s decently stable now , enough to be shared … But i’m not a coder and my python is ridiculously un-professional and cobbled togheter by trial and error and copy/paste.
So, this small plugin .. it’s very cool that an artist managed to make some tools for himself, but.. to be included in VB25 distribution would probably have to be rewrtitten from scratch by Andrey , with proper code and standards..
Or it would work also to have it downloadable separately ‘at your own risk’ … but making sure people don’t report bugs caused by this plugin as bugs of VB25! let's see how this should be managed..
Generally speaking the combination of Blender python + VB25 + vrscene language + Vray's vast collection of features ... makes for some great possibilities of artists/non-professional coders making their own little tools and custom workflows. So i hope this will repeat in the future ... i surely have some ideas and projects (in particular about lightmapping and baking for games , but luckily that could be made in a separate addon that doesn't mess directly with VB25 ..more on that baking script soon)
I've just finished a personal portfolio image done in Blender and VB25:
Thanks for viewing and all comments are appreciated:

More info and w.i.p. pics on my blog :
In the blog post you can see i used for texturing a small python texture plugin i made myself:
I think it’s decently stable now , enough to be shared … But i’m not a coder and my python is ridiculously un-professional and cobbled togheter by trial and error and copy/paste.
So, this small plugin .. it’s very cool that an artist managed to make some tools for himself, but.. to be included in VB25 distribution would probably have to be rewrtitten from scratch by Andrey , with proper code and standards..
Or it would work also to have it downloadable separately ‘at your own risk’ … but making sure people don’t report bugs caused by this plugin as bugs of VB25! let's see how this should be managed..
Generally speaking the combination of Blender python + VB25 + vrscene language + Vray's vast collection of features ... makes for some great possibilities of artists/non-professional coders making their own little tools and custom workflows. So i hope this will repeat in the future ... i surely have some ideas and projects (in particular about lightmapping and baking for games , but luckily that could be made in a separate addon that doesn't mess directly with VB25 ..more on that baking script soon)