Just downloaded a model from blendswap and lighted and rendered the model as an exercise . The model is from m_zamani and here is the link to the model
Render time 20 minutes+6 minutes for light cache.Used 1500 subdivisions and prefilter 5 samplesin light cache and both primary and secondary bounces are using light cache and .005 both for image and dmc sampleras threshold. In color maping using linear with 2.2 gamma,clamp output and subpixel maping.

site if the image is cropped
The shadow are are horrible. Maybe decreasing the image sampler would helped me. By the way I have dual core 2.2 ghz laptop. that is why it took so long to render. Any advise on increasing the quality and also maybe decreasing the render times .Thanks
Render time 20 minutes+6 minutes for light cache.Used 1500 subdivisions and prefilter 5 samplesin light cache and both primary and secondary bounces are using light cache and .005 both for image and dmc sampleras threshold. In color maping using linear with 2.2 gamma,clamp output and subpixel maping.

site if the image is cropped
The shadow are are horrible. Maybe decreasing the image sampler would helped me. By the way I have dual core 2.2 ghz laptop. that is why it took so long to render. Any advise on increasing the quality and also maybe decreasing the render times .Thanks