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Waterwall lobby.....WIP

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  • #16

    I think the water coming down the glass looks great. How did you create the material?

    The diffused light coming from the backside of the furrdown is awesome. The glass setting is quite nice too.

    For the light pendant. Is the lens material simply an output in the diffuse channel?

    The volumetric light comes across nice, not to much, not to little.

    Are your recessed can lighting down in post or straight in Max?

    Would you mind sharing a screenshot?

    Really looks nice.



    • #17
      yea it looks great cocolas. Would love to see an animation. Until then it looks like water, but it kinda doesn't if you know what I mean.


      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #18

        thanks. The water mat is a simple vray mat with a bump map texture of a face on picture set to gray scale and used as a bump (see below)...then in Pshop I used the smudge tool to give it a slight vertical more contrast and green tint...

        the glow of the light pendant and can lights is done in PS but the geometry you see is in max, while the volume light was rendered as a separate pass with the scanline and comped in PS.....Haven't had much luck with that volume light in vray, even though generaly volumetrics work in vray.

        here's a wire of it: as you can see most of the lights are where they need to be in real life....the only differences are a large soft area light at the skylight above for diffuse lighting...while the shadows are cast from a spot outside acting as a sun. There is also an omni set to specular only in the middle of the space, for highlights on the metal and other mats.


        yeah, I know what you mean about the's "almost" there....but not quite..hehe

        here's a pic of a face-on water fall that the manufacturer has built and I was using as a loose reference.....this one is way too blue in color but it's the bump map I used to get that water going since it's what I'd like to achieve:



