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trying to discover vray-please help

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  • trying to discover vray-please help

    this is the scene I only created to discover and get used to v-ray. so all I am doing is playing with settings and trying to discover.
    it is only one direct light with vray shadows and a vray skylight environment.

    my problem is this chalky effect. how to get rid of it?
    I dont know which setting I should work with.
    this test render settings are:
    image sampling: adaptive subdivision -1,2
    GI: diffuse 0.9 with irradience map "very low"
    secondariy 1 with direct computation 1,3
    hsph subdivision: 50 interpolation sample:20
    color mapping: linear multiply dark:2 and bright:0.8
    GI environment skylight: 0.9

    another problem is the over-bright part on the left bottom corner. actually there is a wall and door there, and from object properties I made that wall invisible to the camera... but there is that brightness as if the door is hidden. doesnt the "invisible to camera" property work well with vray?

    another question is that though I work with irradience map, each time I render it makes all the passes again and again. at another topic I read about the same problem and the solution was with the interpolation as mentioned but I couldnt discover which interpolation and where this is.

  • #2
    I assume chalky is the off white color? Try using exponential or HSV - that usually works best with interiors. This will fix burnt areas and give you an opportunity to lighten dark shadows. You could also make your skylight more bluish. This will 'remove' some of the warmth in the colors.

    You can save an irradiance map, and re-use it. Or use the 'incremental add'... It will however not store interpolated glossies.

    Eyecadcher Media


    • #3
      thanx fot the quick answer
      I will try that setting.
      about the irradience map: I cannot re-use it. I dont know how
      although I tick the "save irradience map" it re-calculates each time I render. I didnt understand why


      • #4
        You have to save it to disk, and use it 'from map'. Are you on the free version by any chance?

        Eyecadcher Media


        • #5
          you might try ticking the AUTO SAVE box under the ADVANCED IRRADIANCE MAP PARAMETERS-ON RENDER END
          and then choose FROM FILE and load the saved file and use it.


          • #6
            thank you all
            and about the chalky appearence- when I mean chalky I mean like dusty, or blurry. I played with HSV but I want the image to look sharper but it doesnt help.


            • #7
              i think you need to improve on your irr settings to make your image corners and such, sharper.... use an AA of 0, 4....



              • #8
                ...and use catmul rom image filter maybe.

