Whelp, thought it might be time to post something here.

Max2014, Vray 2.40.04. At 3500x4500 about 1.5 hour-ish on an i7 930 (or something? could be 920, anyway, it has 8 cores, 3.2ghz) and a Xeon 24 core beast of a machine. Colour correction/tweaking and people added in PS. It has some poop here and there, but I'm satisfied with it regarding the couple days I put in. Models were provided.
Max2014, Vray 2.40.04. At 3500x4500 about 1.5 hour-ish on an i7 930 (or something? could be 920, anyway, it has 8 cores, 3.2ghz) and a Xeon 24 core beast of a machine. Colour correction/tweaking and people added in PS. It has some poop here and there, but I'm satisfied with it regarding the couple days I put in. Models were provided.