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  • Jump

    New quick test. It still looks wrong. Foam is appearing and disappearing here and there. I'm not worried about the fact that you can see end of grid with foam accumulating, grid should have been placed differently and probably bigger.

    Some stats:

    2.2M cells
    650thousand foam
    18thousand splash
    was first simulated only with liquid, then resimulated with foam and splash
    Grid units scale 10 (I had to push up to get some decent splash, liquid)
    cell size 2

  • #2
    With this scale simulations, I havent got to use any other than real world scale, 1 unit=1 centimeter.
    I mean, with more bigger scale it creates this slomo effect and splash setup is hard to get look natural.


    • #3
      Yes, I'm usually always working with 1unit=1cm, but here I couldn't get more than an effect if a fly falling into water ... but I will try again


      • #4
        Ok. Did you try with different SPF? like 2-5?


        • #5
          in the beginning I was at 2 and finally this simulation was done with 4.


          • #6
            Ok, sounds fair. My feeling is that using higher SPF gets longer cell splashes, but scale is one factor of course.


            • #7
              seems like the foam is not displaced ?
              VRScans developer


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                seems like the foam is not displaced ?
                Hmm, will check this...


                • #9
                  Ivaylo, I'm always thinking about your ship in the ocean. You said your scene scale is 20cm. Does that mean that you are working in 1unit=20cm or something else ?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                    seems like the foam is not displaced ?
                    Foam is displaced... at least in the viewport...


                    • #11
                      yes, the units of the scene are 1 unit=20 cm, however this is not important.the scene units are just question of convenience (the same as inches or meters). there is no "right" scene units.
                      this is very important to understand. you can have good simulation in inches, centimeters, with unit= 20 cm and unit=1m. the important parameter is the size and the speed of the objects. for large scale simulations is highly recommended to use real sizes. the ship is 150 meters long, this is the size of the real ship used as prototype. the speed of the ship is 42 km/h, that is also a real speed for this vessel.
                      VRScans developer


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                        yes, the units of the scene are 1 unit=20 cm, however this is not important.the scene units are just question of convenience (the same as inches or meters). there is no "right" scene units.
                        this is very important to understand. you can have good simulation in inches, centimeters, with unit= 20 cm and unit=1m. the important parameter is the size and the speed of the objects. for large scale simulations is highly recommended to use real sizes. the ship is 150 meters long, this is the size of the real ship used as prototype. the speed of the ship is 42 km/h, that is also a real speed for this vessel.
                        Thank you. That is what I thought but wanted to be sure. It should be marked in big bold in the doc as I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who is worried about this.

                        Here is a new test for the jump. this time 1unit=1cm, grid is 600cmx600cmx50cm, units scale=1, cell size=1, about 3.5M foam, 300thousand splashes, SPF=6.
                        Foam is displaced in the viewport but looks totally wrong in render... well, everything looks wrong in render.


                        EDIT: Forgot to tell that foam and splash was generated by resimulation, maybe it's that what is causing the strange look (don't know????). I will post a playblast.
                        Last edited by waaazoo; 19-03-2014, 01:14 AM.


                        • #13
                          the fast foam inflate-like movement is very probably caused by big and strong pattern settings. what pattern settings are you using?
                          and the foam is definitely not displaced, actually it should be the opposite - the foam must be displaced in the rendering and not displaced in the viewport. the preview must be fast, the displacement would break the real time response.
                          VRScans developer


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                            the fast foam inflate-like movement is very probably caused by big and strong pattern settings. what pattern settings are you using?
                            and the foam is definitely not displaced, actually it should be the opposite - the foam must be displaced in the rendering and not displaced in the viewport. the preview must be fast, the displacement would break the real time response.
                            It's not really realtime, it took me half an hour to make a playblast of 110frames :/
                            Finally it looks the same in viewport:

                            For pattern settings I have Pattern Forces=1, Pattern size=200. I will test other settings.


                            • #15
                              too big pattern size, make it ten times smaller - 20 cm
                              VRScans developer

