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First VRAY BASIC Rendering!

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  • First VRAY BASIC Rendering!

    Ok, I used the demo, and liked it alot! Now i have VRAY Basic and am still learning as well.
    THis is a bathroom i was working on, just to kinda show myself how to use this program.

    Any C&C's are welcome Because I sure have plenty of questions ahead!

    Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body

  • #2
    Looking good Jet , kind of looks like it is open to the outside though.
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      First off, you have some ugly edges going on on your toilet and sink. Those can be fixed with some quick changes to the smoothing groups or by remodelling the edges. Second, seem to be missing some walls and a ceiling by the looks of it. Seems the wall and ceiling are not casting shadows, so I presume you haven't modeled them. If they are really there, are they maybe not solid or 2 sided?
      Signing out,


      • #4
        thanks for the comments.
        There are four walls a floor and a ceiling
        Instead of using a Sunlight, i used a target direct light.
        i rendered this on Low also. Maybe if i upped the Hsp to 50/20 and the aa to Medium or medium animation it would come out better?
        why does it look like i only have two walls. i kinda didnt get that, but am open to criticism!

        Oh yea,
        if you look in the mirror you can see the reflection of the wall corner in it

        Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body


        • #5
          personally there is too much light coming in through the small window...thats why they comment about the wall and no ceiling...reduse your dark to 1.5, looks like its bouncing a little bit too high. same goes for your first bounce and second...
          Reza Bahari



          • #6
            ok cool!
            I will try that and see what happens
            also should i go ahead and use the sunlight system as opposed to the target direct light?
            Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body


            • #7
              Althou i can see the window in the reflection on the right wall, i still wouldnt say that the light is coming from that window, and the most obvious reason would be, if the top of the window is casting shadow on that toilet, how come the whole tub is illuminated. Also there is no way that the right wall would be so damn bright. Post some wireframes so we can pinpoint whats wrong.

              Btw nice scene, and goodlooking tile materials.


              • #8
                As dusan pointed out, there is definately something wrong. I can see the windowframe as a shadow....light through the glass and light around its outer edges. Now how is that possible if the wall is not either missing or one sided and pointing away from the light?
                Signing out,


                • #9
                  Haha, it looks awfuly weird, i dont know if id be able to do this even if i wanted to. Now i've noticed a clue, the sun hitting that water unit above the toilet, its not supposed to be there, so your ceiling isnt casting shadows, and the wall is.

                  Sunlight system is nothing more than a direct light but with a different type position controlers.


                  • #10
                    as requested!
                    here are the wireframes

                    Here are wireframes
                    I was working on this file at home, which is where i am right now. but the one that i uploaded earlier was the one that i used while at work. the difference is basically that i changed the sun to a direct light and rotated it right in front of the window!
                    Im excited to know that you guys are helping with my masterpiece!

                    Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body


                    • #11
                      Huh, that didnt help much. But im sure the ceiling isnt casting shadows.


                      • #12
                        Nice rendering, its coming along.

                        IMO- I think you should add a bullnose tile to the perimeter of the tile. It doesnt read like its off the wall that least 3/8"

                        Are you missing a face on your geometry? The ceiling looks like the normal is reversed. See the hard shadow at the tub, right below that is the head of the window....
                        If not, add the ceiling, i think thats whats missing.



                        • #13
                          My version..hope it helps.

                          Sorry i took too machine was rendering my work...i have mailed the max file to you...your curtain needs to be fix and i didnt have the materials u i simply used what i have..good luck.
                          Reza Bahari


                          • #14
                            Thanks Reza for showing me what my bathroom COULD LOOK LIKE hehehehe.
                            man I dont have VRAY ADVANCE, I only have BASIC, so i dont have the Vray Light, which was the only difference that i could really see in our files. but wow what a difference it makes.

                            I just added an omni to the window and set its far attn. to reach the tub and im going to render it as well.
                            I have also modified the camera position.
                            Adjusted the direct light by turning off the overshoot
                            - I adjusted the multiplier for the omni light and moved it in front of the window
                            _Adjusted the Environment multiplier from 1.5 to 3.25
                            _Lowered first bounce from 1.5 to 1 and the second to .5
                            direct computation ration 1:3
                            HSPH SUB 20 AND interp sampl 10

                            will post results when it finishes rendering

                            Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body


                            • #15
                              You can substitute the vray light with with photometric area light. just jack up the candelas to 8500....
                              Reza Bahari

