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Screeshots from MYST IV Revelations

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  • Screeshots from MYST IV Revelations

    Myst IV Revelations !

    Here are finally some materials released for the public.
    We've been working on this project till 2001 (Real production began in 2002). Our renderer of choice is V-Ray, of course, and almost everything (from backgrounds to animated sequences etc) are rendered with it.
    It was quite hard to contribute on this forum, and being unable to post a single render of our game. At last, this will be less complicated now.

    Please, consider these images as a collective work of many CG artists involved in the project, here, at Ubisoft Montreal (Canada).
    C&C are welcome.

    You'll find some more material, then updates, at this location too :

    Winner of a E3 in-game graphic contest

  • #2
    Wow, Myst IV continues the Myst tradition of well-thought out spaces/design and beautiful lighting.

    Congrats on another great looking game.
    My pick would be the first image which has such a nice painterly appearance.


    Vu Nguyen


    • #3
      fantastic work, i think i may have to buy the game after seeing these


      • #4
        Thx DejaVu.

        Even if some pics were touched up in photoshop prior their publication on the web, the environments are in-game.
        That means our real time engine adds animated features such as dynamic lights, insects, atmosphere, flares, etc...
        The first one you are talking about is certainly the most "photoshoped" since it was designed for the E3 challenge.

        Lol Natty, that's we intend to.
        Figure out that these environments are surprisingly alive, with depth, etc... For non-gamers or people who'd rather playing a good shooter than solving puzzles, Myst 4 is even a good bunch of sceneries to look at. Ppl were surprised during the E3.
        "Oh no, this anoying Myst game again!... ...Wow..., wait..., it's alive !! Whaaa, How did you ?..." ... stuff like that.
        That's very very hearthwarming I must confess, because we were working in the shadow for the past 2 years. Thanks for the team.


        • #5
          wow the graphs are pretty cool, i hope the game have also some good visuals effects!! coz this doom3 and half life 2 are the best


          • #6
            can i ask you something biohazard is hard to get in to the videogames??
            i would like to work there but i dont know is hard these days


            • #7
              Well, not so much.
              It a crossing between sending an application at the right moment and having the right port-folio / demo reel.

              In France, the video game industry has slown down since some major companies have closed their doors, but here in Canada, there's plenty of jobs to apply (and nice immigration rules).

              I've sent you a PM.


              • #8
                So that's the one you couldn't tell us about so long ago? Beautifull work

                I'm worried that when I get my x800 and some of these new games I will never come out of my house!

                I guess you used vray to bake some of the textures?

                Eric Boer


                • #9
                  Thx ReRender
                  Ha ! Same here. It's almost summer, the sun is shinning the whole day and I'm stuck at the office like a blind worm. Shame.

                  I guess you used vray to bake some of the textures?
                  Nope, unfortunnately, we did not bake anything.
                  We had hard times to update continuously our meshes and maps from the past 2 years (final renders have just begun), so baking wasn't a good option till now (imo). And now, i nthe final pass, we aren't stuck and do not need to spare time or memory (we've got a laaarge render farm).


                  • #10
                    Oups, forgot to say, there's also a trailer to download.
                    The hi-res version is at the bottom of the page

                    You'll notice some glitchs and flickerings cause we didn't had the time to precomp all the imaps correctly,
                    but I'm working actually on the final cinematics and the imaps won't budge an eyebrow.


                    • #11
                      Stunning work Biohazard!

                      I loved Myst, Riven and Exile so I can't wait to get my hands on this!
                      Would it be ok if I posted a newsarticle about this on
                      Torgeir Holm |


                      • #12
                        Im also a great fan of the Myst series (one of the reasons I got into 3D ) and once again you have pulled off absolutly stunning images. Good job

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                        • #13
                          Wow image is very fantastic.!!

                          really Super


                          • #14
                            Despite those very nice screenshots, i find that RIVEN still has the better renderings i've seen. It took long to achieve, but it was far better than Myst3 Exile (cebas plugins) - and i'm not convinced by the current looking of this new episode.

                            There is still something in the rendering that makes me feel like we are in a 10 inches puppet world.

                            It's sad commercials dont put enough money in the project to get the State-of-the-art renderings, like they did for RIVEN.
                            I was expecting the next MYST's artists to achieve more realism.

                            Am i alone to feel this ?


                            • #15
                              Well, Yadla, I'm quite sad to hear such crits, but you know, our game can't fit everyones needs. The game is so full of living creatures, stuning effects, etc, that comparing to Riven (the great brother) isn't the point.
                              This is still the Myst series, but a nowadays Myst. Riven is Riven, a shockingly realistic game, realised when raytracing was top notch.

                              I'm not the guy who's going to convince you but I'd say this game is not even on the shelves, so give it a chance.

                              We've put time, hearth, soul and V-ray (!) into this one, so it *might* be a good piece of graphics and game experience.

                              Anyways, I understand, I also use to be tough when seeing other people's work. That's the way it goes.

