I worked on the key art for the upcoming PS4 title 'Until Dawn' earlier this year. The game is a horror title where the players are pitted against some horrible murderers but also, time - hence the concept of the spooky hourglass.
Technical stuff - nothing too exciting, the background was created and supplied by the client and the cabin model is the cabin model from the game itself which I had to adapt and texture. Snow was created by pulling verts on a simple plane in max, then taking it all the Zbrush to make it look a bit more natural and the material had some SSS to it, which I think helped a lot.
Skull was also sculpted in Zbrush and the pouring 'snow' was actually pouring salt that my colleague photographed against a black background and I comped in. Timings were really tight on this as it had to be ready for E3, so I had 5 days to turn it all around.
