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Speedboat simulation

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  • Speedboat simulation


    This is a test. The water seem to get stuck a short while before falling of the side of the boat sometimes but besides that I'm pretty pleased with the result. animations/speedboat.html

    Click image for larger version

Name:	speedboat01.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	153.4 KB
ID:	882708
    Click image for larger version

Name:	speedboat02.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	132.4 KB
ID:	882710
    Click image for larger version

Name:	speedboat04.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	147.0 KB
ID:	882711

  • #2
    looks very good, can you explain more about the issue you mentioned?
    the only concern that i have is the closeup view, you had to switch off the wetting, because it produces grid artifacts. btw you can try to simulate the same with the flip solver.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Thanks. Actually I remember I had some issues with the boats hull. I made a new mesh object for the simulation and I checked for holes but could not find any. I even started the simulation with the boat hovering above the water surface and slowly sink in to the water. But water still panetrated the hull and got captured inside. I think it was the captured water inside the hull that came out of the boats mesh in the rendering making it look like it got stuck sometimes.

      I dont remember if I turned off wetting or not. Another issue was with 3d motion blur. It worked fine with only the water in the simulation grid. Foam and splash also got motion blur. But when I used ocean texture I could not get 3d motion blur to work at all. The foam and splash still worked. So I did the motionblur on the water in post. I used a vray physical camera with mb ticked.


      • #4
        got captured inside
        it's not related to holes in the geometry, don't forget the grid is a kind of 3d bitmap, if you place a paper shape of a boat over a painted ocean, the painted water below the boat does not disappear right? that's why we introduced the "clear inside" option for the grid based core.
        about the mb - i remember we had such a problem, but not sure about the time , it was fixed later.
        Last edited by Ivaylo Katev; 27-08-2015, 10:05 PM.
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          oh I see. That sounds like a useful option. Is this in the official 2.2 version or in the nightly builds?


          • #6
            yes, it's an old option. but better use the flip solver, it's particle based and has no such issues, no grid artifacts over the geometry surface and in general produce more detailed result.
            VRScans developer

