Earlier this year (2015) I had the amazing fortune of working on the Star Wars Battlefront Key Art as part of Cinco Design.
I was responsible for the preparation of all the 3D elements that were to be used by the retoucher to create the final composition. This included converting all the in-game vehicle models to 3DS Max/Vray format, building the foreground environment, posing all the vehicle and character assets, setting up all shaders using existing game textures, lighting the scene and final rendering of all elements. Final assets were delivered in 32bit layered PSD files with all the usual render elements. Files sizes got a bit mental.
I used 3ds Max 2015 and Vray 3 along with HDR light Studio for lighting. Nothing really complicated involved in the image but the final size was the only complication. All individual elements were rendered at a minimum of 8k (large stuff like the ground work and the Hero vehicles were rendered at 20k). Most of the assets were used as is except for the rebel characters and some additional pieces for the stormtroopers that needed high res preperation by another 3D modeler in Zbrush. All the characters used 32 bit displacement from Zbrush. Also some minor improvements needed to be done to the AT-AT due to the final render size. At 20k wide this is one of the largest images I have worked on.
EDIT: OOps should not have posted the in process stuff as it was not client approved... sorry!
Thanks for checking this out, hope you all liked it.