Thanks for your reply. I have the white balance on the camera set to 100% white so that it is not affecting the colors of the scene but rather the lighting is doing that. The white balance and camera exposure settings (f-stop, shutter speed, ISO) are unchanged between the daylight scene (see at beginning of thread) and the dusk scene. For the dusk scene, I used hdri map render multiplier to control exposure versus changing camera exposure or white balance settings. So I believe that the hdri map is what's introducing all that color to the dusk scene. That is what I expected it to do even though the result is not so good
Not sure if this is relevant but below is from a different thread that I asked this question in. I never got a reply and I am using the " from 3ds max" option because it made the map look the most "correct" in the mat editor.
The hdri map I am using is from HRI Skies and it shows a gamma of 1.0 when viewed from mat editor and sampled/right clicked on to show properties/image info. I am using the vray/max linear work flow set up. In the Vray HRDI map parameters in the mat editor is a Color space section. The default Type seems to be "Inverse gamma" with additional drop down choices of "None", "sRGB" and " From3DSMax". Should I be using the "From 3DS Max" option or ....?
Not sure if this is relevant but below is from a different thread that I asked this question in. I never got a reply and I am using the " from 3ds max" option because it made the map look the most "correct" in the mat editor.
The hdri map I am using is from HRI Skies and it shows a gamma of 1.0 when viewed from mat editor and sampled/right clicked on to show properties/image info. I am using the vray/max linear work flow set up. In the Vray HRDI map parameters in the mat editor is a Color space section. The default Type seems to be "Inverse gamma" with additional drop down choices of "None", "sRGB" and " From3DSMax". Should I be using the "From 3DS Max" option or ....?