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just for keep alive this forum
Is the texture, the second picture maybe,i used 60 hshp,i'd like render with bf but depsite my new 5820k@4.00ghz the time is very very long,and the denoiser is a mystere for me because it clean the image but i lost the details,and the noise texture seems unusable
I found out there is an option in the denoiser to change the "type" from RGB to All Channels to assist with reflections. However, it processes something incorrectly and makes the render too bright. I haven't posted as a bug yet - maybe see if that works correctly for you.
Personally, I am finding the denoiser "smears" the image too much, but I can't seem to adjust any settings to make it less strong (radius and strength is grayed out). I like the grainy look of BF better anyway, and if you render high enough resolution, the sampler settings don't have to be too high.
sweet marcoz. i'd love to see the final image with brand new composition and stuff.
how do you create materials on painted wood on the first image? i'd love to know your setup
is it using displacement?
i will use vray again and post my render here, promise