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Latest Work: Installation

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  • Latest Work: Installation

    It will be at the next Smau.

  • #2
    great work... sorry for my conversation in italian but my english is poor and Valerio is a friend...

    guarda un pò ki si rivede... ottimo lavoro... nn ti becco da parekkio ma vedo ke il tuo stile inconfondibile nn lo perdi (meglio così). ottime le figure umane hanno uno stile, un nn so ke ke mi attira... unico appunto (spero mi perdonerai): l'img oltre il divanetto è troppo piatta, forse le troppe riflessioni, forse la luce o le ombre ma ci sarebbe se hai tempo qualcosa da correggere...


    • #3
      si, ottimo lavoro
      il metallo cromato e` il mio potresti far vedere una versione a colori?

      nice work, man,
      the chrome is my favorite...could you post a color version?



      • #4
        Grazie.....scrivo in inglese per correttezza....
        Due to the long time of rendering i made this image w/out any attemp, only a little try at 400 px with negin native AA, so there's something to correct....In the righty room there's to much lighning so there's no visible shadow at the glass table....The deadline for this work was yesterday 'cause it will be an advertisement on an italian architecture magazine....But for personal use i think i will correct the mistakes and also add something, some fine detail if possible....You know....rnedertima was 80 h on a Pentium 4 HT 3,06 Ghz...


        • #5
          wow that is amazing work!!!

          i was curious how do you create people like that? i always found that way of rendering ppl into an arch schene more appealing than rpc ppl which my firm wants but i would prefer to show them more artistic flare such as transparent ppl.

          Once again great work!


          • #6
            To do such a people is really simple...All done in Psd. First step is to manage a photo and extract people from the enviroment, then color with black fill. Second step is to put the people inside the rendering. Making the shadow is really fast. Copy the people into another level, flip vertical, and add blur (or motion blur) to the flipped image. The amount of blurry depends of the reflactive material used on the floor.
            I like this style mainly for one reason. I used 'cause people make a more convincing proportional aspects and dimensional too, but using "ghost style" doesn't disturb from what is the real matter of the render, the construction!....


            • #7
              Amazing work Valerio, as always!
              3d Graphics ||


              • #8
                Thanks...this is the colored version

                and this one my 3ds max screenshot with wireframe


                • #9
                  Nice work.The choice of B/W is very cool but i think to prefer the color one.
                  Sorry for my poor english
                  best regards 5

