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how can i resolve this?

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  • how can i resolve this?

    hi all !!

    i'm not speak a lot of english but i try it !!

    im rendering a scene and i'm being some problems. one wall of house are very saturated, i think that is for the tree. how can i reduce this green saturation ?

    and other question is how can i make more darker the corners between walls and ground?

    thanks a lot and sorry for my english.



  • #2
    give the material a wrapper on top of it and lower the GI receive.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      "More dark areas in the corner" - you can solve this by either increasing your and by decreasing your secondary bounce multipliers (but increasing your lights and primary bounce multipliers accordingly in order to get more contrast)"
      "saturation"- well if you override the walls GI recieve, i think it will recieve less light from skylight and therefore be much darker than it should be. Id use the override on whatever it is thats bleeding so much color. Its most probably the grass you have there. Since its not seen in the render, you can comfortly put a slightly greenish to almost completly white material instead of something green and textured that you probably have there and you will eliminate the bleeding. Or use a mtl wrapper or go in the rendering/systems rollout and lower the GI emmision for that object to like 0.2 or so, but i think the first way works better.


      • #4
        Somehow my first thought was: check if your ambient color in the environment rollout is anything else than 0,0,0... I vaguely remember having something of a same broblem earlier, it drove me crazy before I got the bright idea of checking the ambient color..

        seems like you need to flip the opacity maps of those dosh plants too...



        • #5
          and other question is how can i make more darker the corners between walls and ground?
          Uncheck "default lights" in the global switches rollout.


          • #6
            Well, something is definatly casting shadows, which means that there definatly is a non default light in the scene, which again means that default lights are switched off and have apsolutly no impact on the image

            Default lights should be switched off only if you want to use a skylight only to light your scene.


            • #7
              2 Dusan

              you're right ,i thought it was a bug or something from earlier versions that even putting a light in the scene wouldn't deactivate default lights. but i had never tried it again.

              2 spline

              can you show how you are lighting your scene and what are your render settings?

