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New Life in Old Models

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  • New Life in Old Models

    Here is a model I did ages ago and rendered it with cycles, i used Andrew Price's "Rainy Window" tutorial for the condensation (Polycount went crazy.)

    I decided to have a go with Vray so I converted the materials and used Vray Displacement for the condensation. You have no idea how many times I have rendered this trying to get the condensation right. Polycount is about a fifth of the Cycles version. I haven't tried the new "Micro-Displacement" yet though.

    First image is Cycles, second image is Vray.

    C & C welcome, and any tips to improve it also.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Coke Cans (C).jpg
Views:	1
Size:	451.3 KB
ID:	886577

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Coke condemsation 02.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	389.1 KB
ID:	886578

  • #2
    hmm, neither is particularly convincing. Maybe try making your displacement more water drop shape, right now it looks more like stucco. I'm wondering if it would work to have a separate mesh layer that is just for the displaced water (use the "water level" settings in the displacement to have only the raised part show) so your refraction looks more correct relative to the can surface (so you see the "bend" of the refractions under the water droplets.)


    • #3

      Sorry for the late reply but just after posting the image I discovered my PC was full of virus and spyware, so I have spent a cople of days cleanig it. Thanks for the crits and I totally agree they are both crap LOL. Thanks for the tip about the sea level, I had just found that setting and was playing with it when I discovered the virus attack. Now I have a clean PC I'm back at it. I know what the problem was, it was the images I was using for my displacement maps, I tried loads I downloaded and they were all leaving a flat surface on the top of the beads of water. So I used Blender itself to create a basic displacement map and used that, Perfect, I'll be using that trick a lot more. I just have to create a nice looking map now for the condensation and I can re-render it. I have uploaded a new image with the basic displacement map (perfectly uniform drops) but you will get the idea. I'll post final image when I make a new (more Random) displacement map.

      Happy New Year to all.

      Cheers Wig

      Click image for larger version

Name:	asdf.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	366.5 KB
ID:	866039


      • #4
        yeah, that material looks a lot better!


        • #5
          Well I'm finally happy with it (sort of). This is using the new displacement map I made in Blender.

          Hope you like it.

          Cheers, Wig

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Coke condemsation 01.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	443.1 KB
ID:	866048

