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Aura Nuke Test
I'm assuming you are one the handful of people beta testing before it goes into open beta. I am not in this handful so I was wondering if you would be willing to run a really simple scene for me. I just want to see what it looks like as well as see how aura reacts in this certain situation. If you are interested email me or post back here. Thanks!-----Dwayne D. Ellis-----
I talked to Evtim at Siggraph and watched him demo Aura. I was just curious as to how Aura would react in this certaiin situation. I seen him use a particle system to guide i want to see what happens when particles are animated and stick to the ground.
I was going to send a MAX file but heres a script that will create the scene that i'm talking about.
Copy this into a empty script window and evaluate it.
Deflector bounce:0 width:259.779 length:93.7269 pos:[32.8413,0.738007,0] isSelectedn friction:100
SuperSpray speed:10 Speed_Variation:0 Off_Axis:0 Axis_Spread:15 Off_Plane:0 Plane_Spread:15
Birth_Rate:10 Total_Number:100 quantityMethod:0 viewPercent:10 Emitter_Start:0f Emitter_Stop:75f
Display_Until:100f life:50f Life_Variation:0f subsampleEmitterTranslationn subsampleCreationTime
subsampleEmitterRotationff size:1 Size_Variation:0 Growth_Time:10f Fade_Time:10f seed:12345 standardParticle:0
Metaparticle_Tension:1 Metaparticle_Tension_Variation:0 metaballAutoCoarsnessn metaballRenderCoarsness:0.5
viewType:1 mappingType:0 Mapping_Time_Base:30f Mapping_Distance_Base:100 Spin_Time:30f Spin_Time_Variation:0
Spin_Phase:0 Spin_Phase_Variation:0 spinAxisType:0 X_Spin_Vector:1 Y_Spin_Vector:0 Z_Spin_Vector:0
Spin_Axis_Variation:0 motionInfluence:100 motionMultiplier:1 motionVariation:0 Bubble_Amplitude:0
Bubble_Amplitude_Variation:0 Bubble_Period:100000f Bubble_Period_Variation:0 Bubble_Phase:0
Bubble_Phase_Variation:0 iconSize:9.62244 iconHiddenff metaballViewCoarsness:1 Spawn_Affects:100
Spawn_Multiplier_Variation:0 Die__X_frames_after_collision:0f Interparticle_Collisions_On:0
Interparticle_Collision_Steps:2 Interparticle_Collision_Bounce:100 Interparticle_Collision_Bounce_Variation:0
pos:[-80.0738,-0.369004,0] isSelectedn
toolMode.coordsys #view
actionMan.executeAction 0 "50002"
rotate $ (angleaxis 145 [0,1,0])
actionMan.executeAction 0 "50001"
move $ [0,17.7306,20]
set animate on
sliderTime = 100f
move $ [208.284,0,0]
set animate off
sliderTime = 0f
bindSpaceWarp $ $Deflector01
basically i want to see if the particles that are stuck on the ground still burn or stay on fire.
Thanks...looking forward to the public beta!!!!-----Dwayne D. Ellis-----
- didn't copy the line breaks. Okay the scene is this:
-make a long deflector with 0 bounce and 100 friction
-then make a superspray just above the deflector pointing down at it on an angle
-animate the superspray from one end of the deflector to the other
-spacewarp link the superspray to the deflector.
-the particle system should travel across the deflector emitting particles that stick to the ground.
Let me kow if i'm not being clear enough and i'll email ya a file.
Thanks.-----Dwayne D. Ellis-----
dellis, email me a file and i will test it out for you.
Chris Jackson
dellis, Im glad you like it, maybe you could post it up so people can have a look?
When I get a chance I will tweak it a bit more add some smoke etc.
Chris Jackson
before any1 flames me for what i am about to say...
i think aura looks like an amazing solution to set things on fire...
but couple of weeks ago i bumped into something that almost sucked the life out of me.and these tests sere not done on some billion MHZ processors with gizzillion gigs of ram...
for any one interested ...
download the pdf file ...
i am sure a lot of guys know about this but just felt like refreshing this ,
after seeing "NUKE" test.
i dont mean to start a flame thing here ,cuz i know its easier to start an argument than share and learn from other people...
my 2 cents....
I think what you will find is that aura will have a very similar look to the rendererings when the fractal shaders are implimented. The paper is impressive but not really the kind of software that we'll ever get our hands on...unless you work at ILM.
I'm actually surprised at how quick AURA is for what its actually doing.
Don;t get me wrong i would love to gets the same kind of results they were getting in that paper....especially on that kind of hardware.-----Dwayne D. Ellis-----
Aura already looks about as good as most of the effects in this short