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Elevation Render

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  • Elevation Render

    I only had three days to work on this, and this is my second exterior I've done, so I was kind of frustrated with actually doing it, but I think it came out nice.

  • #2
    Yes it camed out nice! Except sky is too much saturated, asphalt is too black and clean and at the end would be nice if we can see some reflections on windows. Trees are nice too what are they_?

    PS: that audi need some work too


    • #3
      Well, the reasoning for the asphalt being real black is because apparently this street is actually being made for this project, meaning the asphalt would be brand new, any other time I would agree with you. The sky is too saturated, and if I get the chance to make some changes I'm definately going to fix that, same with the windows. The Audi was an 'out of box' model because I didn't have too much time to fiddle. The trees are from Dosch.


      • #4
        hi. you can get more realism if you ad some reflect to your windows. you can put some picture in front of your building.


        • #5
          I'd say right now the glass is pretty plastic.
          I also think you might wanna use a different AA looks like you're using CatmullRom or similar, and right now all the edges are overly defined, therefore objects start to compete with each other for attention, making the image somewhat flat/cartoony.
          if you use a softer filter (Mitchnetravalli or similar) you'll get softer, more realistic edges and blending in places, therefore a more pleasant/reasitic view....

          just some thoughts.....

          nice lighting, btw


