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[test #1~8] Comparison Renderers +3

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  • [test #1~8] Comparison Renderers +3

    I planed Comparison Render-time ,seam quality-setting.
    but it is impossible. because option is different by renderer.
    optimazing is different, method of improving quality is different.
    above all things I am not expert in many renderers. I am just beginer.
    something is first... something is skilled a little.
    so, The plan resulted in failure. an unfairness competition..
    only common option is 2-lights. one is sun. other is sky (image-based-lighting treat as one lighting)

    Zeon-Dual 2.8G, 1G-RAM

    Original Cinema4D Scene
    this is not GI (radiosity). classical lighting.
    cone light - 12
    omni light - 23
    rendering time (AA - best) 3:41

    gi - 300 (radius:30)
    fg - 500 (radius: 5/50)
    AA - 4/64 (Lanczos)
    time - 45 min

    HSph - 50
    Secondary - 0.75 (20 depth)
    Presets - High
    AA - Adaptive 1/2 (Catmull-Rom)
    time - 15 min!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! ~(^^~) (~^^)~ I danced for joy.
    just tested twice..
    seam setting below sibenik image. but that is many many lighting.

    RH-Rays - 90
    imageGI - First:0.88 /Sec:0.79
    Max. Density - 60
    Balance - 80%
    Grain - 0%
    AA - Adaptive 4/16 (Catmull-Rom)
    time - about~ 120 min... about... hey.... I was tedious.. so web surfing..


    max radiosity render.
    I am Lightscape-user. so easy in comparison. also It could share materials with LightTracer.

    Processing - 92.92%
    Meshing size - 10
    Regather - ON
    AA - Catmull-Rom.
    time - 52 min. about. . this can not work dual processer and H/T anyway.

    Lightscape? It must be remodeled all. I'm tired.
    Now brazil Renderer.. test and waiting and test and waiting.. waiting... waiting....and.. Can you speak KOREAN?

  • #2
    wow, you know a lot of renders ins't it ! i try to study but can't. I just try to use vray which i love.

    for me, i think i love the vray and metal ray. There are more realistic than the others.

    PS: can't speak Korean, i'm vietnamese


    • #3

      I have good taste in renderer.
      I concentrate on vray too.
      for understanding vray, I refer to other renderer.
      my taste service come in pretty handy in studing vray.


      • #4
        Your finalrender time doesn't look right for's very simple model
        and you used only 90 rays....I did scenes much more complicated that this one in few minutes...120 is too long for me!!!

        where can I download the scene to made my test with fR and Vray?

        Thank you......Good references!!!
        show me the money!!


        • #5
          Thank you great comparison. What about brazil? can you make a test with this scene? Would be nice.
          Not saying because I am a brazil lover or something, no no no way.


          • #6

            hi~ flino2004

            sibenik or sponza scene is public.
            this scene is cinema4d scene. not public.
            ( teach me your e-mail )


            • #7

              brazil is very detail and faster rather then LightTracer.
              comming soon! An Little Unfairness Competition of Renderers


              • #8
                Hi email is

                I'd like to make a test with these two engines (fR and Vray) ...I don't like MR because take for ever (Maybe I am doing something wrong)


                Fernando Lino
                show me the money!!


                • #9
                  check email~

                  I wish you reduce rendertime in nice quality, detail quality. e.g) sharp corner darkness, wall shading & lightness, texture
                  you look like finalrender experter.
                  Upload your render results here.


                  • #10
                    Original Cinema4D Scene - rendering time (AA - best) 3:41
                    Render time 3:41 ??????????????

                    mr - 45 min, vr - 15 min!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! (Realy Ha ha??? , fr - 120 min, LT - its normal 3ds max rendertime )), Radiosity - 52 min

                    Cinema three minutes forty second, and IMHO the best result , its total crazy unbelievable, I am heart-broken (((

                    Compare renderer???? Yes, click on


                    • #11

                      you are so serious.

                      no gi(or radiosity) render otpion is very fast but light-setting is difficult(for me), long setting time(for me). gi-renderer light-setting is very simple.
                      this competition is not for cinema4d because FR,Vray,MR.. can uncheck and set classic lighting like defult 3dsmax.
                      ...and cinema4d is original.
                      this experiment is concentrated on gi(radiosity) detail subjectively anywhere.
                      did you read first?
                      "I planed Comparison Render-time ,seam quality-setting.
                      but it is impossible. because option is different by renderer.
                      optimazing is different, method of improving quality is different.
                      above all things I am not expert in many renderers...."
                      sorry for your heart~


                      • #12
                        This scene was modelled by Carles Piles, wasn't it?! How did you get it?


                        • #13

                          Quasi Monte Calro - 15/5 (defult value)
                          Bounces - 10
                          Indirect Energy Filters - 0.8
                          Shade Rate : -3/0 (defult value)
                          AA - Adaptive 0/2 (Catmull-Rom)
                          time - 255 min .. maybe..need decreasing option.
                          I don't know brazil photon server.

                          FR Quasi Monte Calro setting - 16/1 (defult value)
                          time - 180 min

                          Use PrePass : -4 (default :-3)
                          Bounce : 25
                          Max Density : 50 (decreasing)
                          Balance : 85 ( was 80 default 83)
                          time : 95min

                          rendertime is decreased and detail & sharpness too.
                          compare with first setting ( density:60 / balance : 80 / -3)

                          I'm wating for Fernando Lino(flino2004)' render image...


                          • #14
                            What are those black stripes uner the bridge?


                            • #15
                              rough shadow from skylight

