I planed Comparison Render-time ,seam quality-setting.
but it is impossible. because option is different by renderer.
optimazing is different, method of improving quality is different.
above all things I am not expert in many renderers. I am just beginer.
something is first... something is skilled a little.
so, The plan resulted in failure. an unfairness competition..
only common option is 2-lights. one is sun. other is sky (image-based-lighting treat as one lighting)
Zeon-Dual 2.8G, 1G-RAM

Original Cinema4D Scene
this is not GI (radiosity). classical lighting.
cone light - 12
omni light - 23
rendering time (AA - best) 3:41

gi - 300 (radius:30)
fg - 500 (radius: 5/50)
AA - 4/64 (Lanczos)
time - 45 min

HSph - 50
Secondary - 0.75 (20 depth)
Presets - High
AA - Adaptive 1/2 (Catmull-Rom)
time - 15 min!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! ~(^^~) (~^^)~ I danced for joy.
just tested twice..
seam setting below sibenik image. but that is many many lighting.

RH-Rays - 90
imageGI - First:0.88 /Sec:0.79
Max. Density - 60
Balance - 80%
Grain - 0%
AA - Adaptive 4/16 (Catmull-Rom)
time - about~ 120 min... about... hey.... I was tedious.. so web surfing..


max radiosity render.
I am Lightscape-user. so easy in comparison. also It could share materials with LightTracer.
Processing - 92.92%
Meshing size - 10
Regather - ON
AA - Catmull-Rom.
time - 52 min. about. . this can not work dual processer and H/T anyway.
Lightscape? It must be remodeled all. I'm tired.
Now brazil Renderer.. test and waiting and test and waiting.. waiting... waiting....and.. Can you speak KOREAN?
but it is impossible. because option is different by renderer.
optimazing is different, method of improving quality is different.
above all things I am not expert in many renderers. I am just beginer.
something is first... something is skilled a little.
so, The plan resulted in failure. an unfairness competition..

only common option is 2-lights. one is sun. other is sky (image-based-lighting treat as one lighting)
Zeon-Dual 2.8G, 1G-RAM

Original Cinema4D Scene
this is not GI (radiosity). classical lighting.
cone light - 12
omni light - 23
rendering time (AA - best) 3:41

gi - 300 (radius:30)
fg - 500 (radius: 5/50)
AA - 4/64 (Lanczos)
time - 45 min

HSph - 50
Secondary - 0.75 (20 depth)
Presets - High
AA - Adaptive 1/2 (Catmull-Rom)
time - 15 min!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! ~(^^~) (~^^)~ I danced for joy.
just tested twice..
seam setting below sibenik image. but that is many many lighting.

RH-Rays - 90
imageGI - First:0.88 /Sec:0.79
Max. Density - 60
Balance - 80%
Grain - 0%
AA - Adaptive 4/16 (Catmull-Rom)
time - about~ 120 min... about... hey.... I was tedious.. so web surfing..


max radiosity render.
I am Lightscape-user. so easy in comparison. also It could share materials with LightTracer.
Processing - 92.92%
Meshing size - 10
Regather - ON
AA - Catmull-Rom.
time - 52 min. about. . this can not work dual processer and H/T anyway.
Lightscape? It must be remodeled all. I'm tired.
Now brazil Renderer.. test and waiting and test and waiting.. waiting... waiting....and.. Can you speak KOREAN?