Yes i know proxys still have some problems and doesnt solve all problems, when it comes to real (beautifoul) Scenes.
but this is rather for those who thougt, 5000 000 Polygons are the limit for vray. the vraymesh export could save some of you the ass
here we go

here you see the memory amount used. it only depends on the amount you did give in the rendersettings at the dynamic raycaster. here i used 400 or 800 mb. together with the opended max and windows, i got something about 1 gig of ram usage.
this scene was with standart antialiasing no gi.

this scene is lightmap only, and much less geometry, but still very much renderprimitives where constructed on rendertime. memory usage is higher, because i turned the dynamic raycaster amount up.

the rendered immage with lightmap (not so beautiful, but a technical test ) about 4 minutes calculation

a real heavy scene now rendertime about 18 minutes.
sorry i forgot to write in the frbuffer stamp the rendertime.
at last happy testing
the maxscene
and the vrmeshfile.
but this is rather for those who thougt, 5000 000 Polygons are the limit for vray. the vraymesh export could save some of you the ass

here we go

here you see the memory amount used. it only depends on the amount you did give in the rendersettings at the dynamic raycaster. here i used 400 or 800 mb. together with the opended max and windows, i got something about 1 gig of ram usage.
this scene was with standart antialiasing no gi.

this scene is lightmap only, and much less geometry, but still very much renderprimitives where constructed on rendertime. memory usage is higher, because i turned the dynamic raycaster amount up.

the rendered immage with lightmap (not so beautiful, but a technical test ) about 4 minutes calculation

a real heavy scene now rendertime about 18 minutes.
sorry i forgot to write in the frbuffer stamp the rendertime.
at last happy testing
the maxscene
and the vrmeshfile.