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700 000000 Renderprimitives

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  • 700 000000 Renderprimitives

    Yes i know proxys still have some problems and doesnt solve all problems, when it comes to real (beautifoul) Scenes.
    but this is rather for those who thougt, 5000 000 Polygons are the limit for vray. the vraymesh export could save some of you the ass

    here we go

    here you see the memory amount used. it only depends on the amount you did give in the rendersettings at the dynamic raycaster. here i used 400 or 800 mb. together with the opended max and windows, i got something about 1 gig of ram usage.
    this scene was with standart antialiasing no gi.

    this scene is lightmap only, and much less geometry, but still very much renderprimitives where constructed on rendertime. memory usage is higher, because i turned the dynamic raycaster amount up.

    the rendered immage with lightmap (not so beautiful, but a technical test ) about 4 minutes calculation

    a real heavy scene now rendertime about 18 minutes.

    sorry i forgot to write in the frbuffer stamp the rendertime.

    at last happy testing

    the maxscene

    and the vrmeshfile.


  • #2
    Nice one Tom .... when i have a minute i will try it .... (i knew you was mad)


    • #3

      i forgot the link for those who wants to do their own proxys.

      this is the direct link to the internal help index that describes this.



      • #4

        Interesting !

        I did use proxy objects with bump and map in order to get some pebbles.
        Very easy to use, hope they will have some modifications available

        You speak about "dynamic raycaster " in the memory usage.
        I don't understand well how to use it in a good way, I usually increase it
        upto 600 because it allowed to not crash when the memory reached
        about 1,5 Go and decrease Max Tree Depth to 40.
        What about the leaves, well What can I do with, experimenting is the principle
        but it would be interesting to know how to control those parameters
        according to a scene.Maybe, it is impossible too...

        Now I do take care of these parameters and other ones to keep
        my scene "confortable" for Vray to work with.
        And, yes, there are possibilities in Vray to make a good work in a
        correct rendertime.Proxies are among them.



        • #5
          It would be nice if the vraymesh supported vertex animation. Like, lets say a character performing a walk cycle or something....then you could make a whole army walking. Oh the bottom of that link it says that it doesn't support animated present!!! That would be a cool update for 1.5.
          -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


          • #6
            Do these objects have to be instances or could the be individual different objects?



            • #7

              About Proxy object, for the moment you can save them as a group like
              I mean, 1 file, many objects= 1 proxy

              Or you can save them as 1 file,1 object, = 1 proxy

              So may have as many several proxies as objects in your scene and
              keep your memory free.

              For the moment they cannot receive any modifier, Like blend or

              They seem able to be moved in the scene but I never tried it.

