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  • DVD

    Hey Guys ,

    This is my latest model its going to form part of my bedroom render that im gunna get done some day !!!! it is a model of my DVD Player .

    C & C Please

  • #2
    Hello !!!!!!!

    Somebody must have something to say about it i doubt its that bad or that good that no one has anything to say on it , Anyone ??????


    • #3
      i think the modeling its nice, but that angle and that reflections looks very monotone try to put it whit more objets so it can refect more and looks more natural


      • #4
        I agree, Also the ground texture is tileing to much, and since the perspective is the way it is it feels like this is a clip from a video, and you are getting some motion blur at the front.

        Also the perspective is, well bland. The products top is basicly at the horizon, also, the vertical line of thew background + the vertical line of the player basicly cut the composition in half.


        • #5
          Thanks for the comments ....

          Zuliban - I see what you mean when it comes to the reflections , this will change once i finish the model of my room of and the dvd player takes its place on my shelf in my room it should look a whole lot better .

          Lord Shaitan - Yeah i know about the tiling of floor , i cant seem to get any good maps that dont tile being that they are so small they either tile or look huge , so i see where your coming from there i gotta figure out where to get some maps that dont tile any suggestions ??? and Yeah the camera angle is a bit low , as for the scene i suppose just somewhere to put it so i could render it .

