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Surreal Structures :: Boardroom

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  • Surreal Structures :: Boardroom


    This scene is near completion. The final output will have to be 5250x3450 pixels. Can I create an irradiance map that is 2625x1725 and re-use it for the full size render? I have attached screen shots of my GI settings. Do they look okay for the size I need to render? Any suggestions are welcome.

    Here are my settings:

    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Surreal Structures

  • #2
    apart from the lamps at the top a really nice rendering.


    • #3
      Thanks yage.

      Regarding the luminaires - is it a quality or style issue? They are the reason for the image, so they have to look good. I can't really do anything about their choice of model.
      Surreal Structures


      • #4
        Very nice treatment Frances.

        Fixtures are , of course, a limitation of client demand and actually they aren't all that awful.

        Did you get the answar you were looking for about irradiance map size?

        Very nice rendering.


        • #5
          I like it

          I think the ligthing coming throught the main windows could be a little more in not butning the walls and mulions so much....that's the only distracting part.

          good work with the materials

          how long did the final rendering take?



          • #6
            hey frances,
            the luminaires look a bit strangely lighted or the material contains errors. they look slightly post-edited. dunno how to descripe, they just don't fit
            and i don't understand, why they are somehow transparent.


            • #7
              Hi Frances,

              Your image looks good but there is a bit of noise in the image. Perhaps you added it post, but if not when you render at that large a size it will be fairly obvious.

              If you going to use a half size IR map you may want to consider -4 , -2 for your ir setting.

              When you use a half size IR map you can just about double the IR settings.
              So in effect you would be rendering at -10 , -6 with the settings shown. Which is very low, in my opinion even for an image this large.

              What ir setting did you use to render the image shown?



              • #8
                hey frances,
                the luminaires look a bit strangely lighted or the material contains errors. they look slightly post-edited. dunno how to descripe, they just don't fit
                and i don't understand, why they are somehow transparent.
                Hi yage,

                From the manufacturer:
                Micro-structured dots are applied to both sides of an edge-lit, transparent acrylic waveguide. In accordance with principles of refraction and Total Internal Reßection (TIR), light from T5/T5HO lamps bounces inside the waveguide until it encounters a dot and exits.
                Um...for me this translates into a self-illuminated panel with 25% opacity. The IES file does all the rest. I hope.
                Surreal Structures


                • #9
                  Tony writes: Hi Frances,

                  Your image looks good but there is a bit of noise in the image. Perhaps you added it post, but if not when you render at that large a size it will be fairly obvious.

                  If you going to use a half size IR map you may want to consider -4 , -2 for your ir setting.

                  When you use a half size IR map you can just about double the IR settings.
                  So in effect you would be rendering at -10 , -6 with the settings shown. Which is very low, in my opinion even for an image this large.

                  What ir setting did you use to render the image shown?

                  Hi Tony,

                  No, there is no post-processing here except for the water mark and image size. I think I need to up the samples for the VRay lights.

                  The original render was 1024x768 with IR min/max at -5/-3 (I downsampled it to 800x600 in PS). Should I go with something like -3/-1?

                  Also, re lights, I noticed a lot of people enabling Ignore normals. Do you know if there is an advantage to that? Is that a rendertime or calc time thing (do I have to re-calc to see a difference)?

                  Thanks for the help so far!
                  Surreal Structures


                  • #10
                    Really nice job. I was just wondering why the ceiling by the doors is so light. If its from the 4 downlights, its looks a little strong to me. But at this resolution, I can't really tell whats going on back there.
                    Tim Nelson


                    • #11
                      Hi Frances, nice work so far.

                      Concerning your IrrMap size : IrrMaps are image size dependent. This means that using for example -3;-1 at 800x600 will give exactly the same IrrMAP as -4;-2 at 1600x1200, or -5;-3 at 3200;2400 etc. Each time you double the image size, lower the rates by one and you'll get the same IrrMap. Of course, it works both ways.

                      The luminaires look strange. Are you sure there is no ambient light in their material?

                      And a sugestion, if I may : since the purpose is to show the luminaires integration, why not render a night shot and see how they perform? For now, they look more like a simple detail in the scene.

                      Keep it up.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by timmatron
                        Really nice job. I was just wondering why the ceiling by the doors is so light. If its from the 4 downlights, its looks a little strong to me. But at this resolution, I can't really tell whats going on back there.
                        Hi Tim,

                        There's a window there. The darn spotlights just weren't working, so I turned them off and added a window. I think I wasted the better part of a day trying to get them to look good.
                        Surreal Structures


                        • #13
                          the entire thing is amzing, but my favorite part by far is the carpet material....that is soooo realistic!


                          • #14
                            I like it

                            I think the ligthing coming throught the main windows could be a little more in not butning the walls and mulions so much....that's the only distracting part.

                            good work with the materials

                            how long did the final rendering take?

                            Hi Paul,

                            The 1024x768 render took a total of 3hr 24m. Each one of the pendant lights has 8 downlights. I put spots in there, but they really don't make much difference, so I'm going to turn them off. I think that will reduce render time.
                            Surreal Structures


                            • #15
                              It looks like your Vray renders are ready for prime time. It looks as good as your radiosity renders. Congratulations.

