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Testing a restaurant room

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  • Testing a restaurant room

    I'm try to find a right setting for this room but I think now it's time to work on antialiasing + QMC sampler.

    >>>About AA
    I tried to use "Adaptive subdivision" at first and "Simple two level" after... here are the results:


    In the first image I noticed the materials too smoothly so I tried AA=simple two level ... but now I see too contrasts in the floor, isn't it?


  • #2
    I would look into some new wood materials. Your using the same texture on the table as you are the floor, very obvious. The mapping on the tables and floor needs work as well.

    The lighting looks good, as does the modeling. But you really need to get away from the stock max textures. Everybody knows them on site. The glass on the table looks strange. Not clear enough or something.

    As far as AA goes. The first is much better.



    • #3
      I agree with TRGraphics on the wood texture. Maybe some hardwood floor bitmap instead of a wood grain map.


      • #4
        Valentina, unless your using alot of glossies, or have alot of fine detail, using the adaptive is always best. -1 for a minimum is always going to give you jaggies, so use 0,2 or even 0,3 if necessary.

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


        • #5
          The lighting is excellent. Can't wait for the finished image.



          • #6
            Thanks to answer me

            So.. forget the wood at the moment! My question is different
            Look at..
            1° image:
            - floor is good
            - wood (near the wall) is too smoothly

            So I decided to change AA...and 2° image
            - finally wood (near the wall) is good
            - floor is... strange

            How can I do?


            • #7
              What if you keep the 1st image's AA and just change the Blur amount of the wood bitmap in Max's material editor to a less number?


              • #8
                I set all my bitmaps to 0.0 blur and even sometimes set my filtering type to none.

                "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                • #9
                  great renders, but as said above wood needs changing.

                  Yeah that blur, why on earth do they put it at 1 by default. Its almost always better at the lowest setting 0.01


                  • #10
                    beieve it or not, DaForce, sometimes I have to increase the blur amount to get the right look. I think it's case by case. Plus when doing animation, blur is your good friend.


                    • #11
                      yeah, i have had that case as well.

                      Recently i have been doing work with alot of fine materials. Such as sand and have needed to lower the blur all the way down, other wise it just blurs out way to quickly and looks like a single color material....aka CRAP


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nikulu
                        Plus when doing animation, blur is your good friend.
                        Why is that?


                        Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


                        • #13
                          Using a higher blur amount in animation is just a way to reduce flickering on certain type of bitmaps, like ones that have lots of details. For still shots, it's complete opposite. Daforce's and percy's suggestions are great for stills.

                          Sorry valentia3ds, I didn't mean to hijack your thread.


                          • #14
                            for animations, a slight blur can be absolutely essential. The amount just depends on the map.

                            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                            • #15
                              Dont worry nikulu!!! but I continue testing my scene!

                              here the result:


                              Spot-Lights are a little bit green and multiplier 0,1... but I see a not good shadow under the tables and I dont like the atmosphere
                              What do you think?

