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Pooldeck WIP

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  • Pooldeck WIP

    Hi All,

    This image still needs some women on the pooldeck and I know the background is a bit crappy and also the grass would be better with displacement. ... does anyone have any more suggestions? I know there is a lot i can improve on but im still learning

    Oh yeah some of the plants and people were put in afterwards in piranesi so they are daggy 2d maps. The reason for this is mostly due to rendertimes - my xfrog plants were going to take ages because at the time i didnt know how to get vray opacity to render quickly

    any help much appreciated!


  • #2
    It seems that your water could use some reflection, it doesnt seem to be reflection the sky?


    • #3
      oh yeah that was a bit of a stuffup.

      when i switched to the default renderer to render the epx files and then back to the vray renderer it cleared the environment map slots and I didnt realise, so it wasnt reflecting the background at all. thanks, didnt notice till then


      • #4
        Are the dark green hedges near the fence xfrog? What is the name? Thanks

        Very nice image, but i think is a bit too saturated. The roof is too flat, hmm and I am not sure but maybe your people are bigger. The white in the middle is too strong also.
        Good work


        • #5
          hi ml-a thanks for the comments,

          the hedges, small palms and a few other plants (dracena?) are a standard archicad object!. most of them are really crappy but because I was having problems with XFROG plants and render times I ended up not using xfrog at all

          the archicad objects arnt very detailed but from a distance they at least provide a bit of filler for vegetation. The rest are 2D maps put in using piranesi (rather than spend ages in photoshop)

          Maybee i'll try some displacement on the roofs next time. I actually had problems with displacement in this job (mesh's dissapearing) but i've figured this out now. I have to smooth and optimise the grass mesh in viz2005 (brought in from archicad) to get it to render with displacement

          The furniture was done in Maya (I dont use it and suck at modelling furniture), exported using FBX and imported into viz with textures etc retained (works well!) although I forgot to change everything to vray materials on these. Next time I'll change the frames to chrome or something less white and creme up the fabric.

          The jobs done (client happy) now but as usual its an unfinished WIP due to budget/time constraints

