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  • hoovering

    just let me know what you think. I feel blind, can´t see if it looks belivable

    Daniel Westlund

  • #2
    It looks pretty damn cool to me.
    Are they meant to be carrots or something?


    • #3
      Thanks, yes. They are ment to be carrots, didn´t want to write it, to see if anyboddy could ever tell. The rest is photo of my livingroom
      Daniel Westlund


      • #4
        very cool!

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


        • #5
          Looks great - but I have to ask. Why are you tossing the carrots?
          LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
          HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
          Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


          • #6
            the bunny is coming

            HIDE THE CARROTS

            THE BUNNY IS COMING!

            VERY VERY NICE

            Workstation: Asus p9x79WS I7 3930K Noctua NH-D14@4200GHz SE2011 16GB RAM Kingston Hyperx Beast SSD 500Gb Samsung x2 SATA3 WD raid edition4 64MB GTX760 2GB DDR5 CoolerMaster 690III



            • #7
              Very cool...don't understand it, but cool none the less :P



              • #8
                Looks great - but I have to ask. Why are you tossing the carrots?
                Your asking this from the guy that brought us the "Dancing Chairs"?

                Looks great roppin, I was hoping the room was rendered too, but the carrots do fit in there very well.

                btw "Hoovering" in English means:

                Are the carrots cleaning? :P
                Eric Boer


                • #9
                  Self-cleaning carrots Can Vray make those too :P

                  They look great now but I wonder if they would have a little more ambient light with how bright that room is.



                  • #10
                    Are the carrots cleaning?
                    no. They are J Edgaring you. So be aware, everything you say in this topic will be taped and saved for ever

                    I ment hover, sorry for my bad english and thanks for the crits and coments.
                    I wonder if they would have a little more ambient light with how bright that room is.
                    Maby your right. I have tryed all kind of settings and as I stated in my first post I´m a little blind to what looks good. maby I´l post some other pictures of them soon.

                    Daniel Westlund


                    • #11
                      really nice (again) !!
                      is it a frame of an animation ? if yes, could we see it ?


                      • #12
                        Yes. but its not ready yet. so in a while I will show you some of it and as soon it is, I will post. Ther will be more objekts in the scen and there will be more scenes.

                        And thanks for the coments

                        Daniel Westlund


                        • #13
                          everything looks awesome but the lens flare.


                          • #14
                            I kinda like the lens flare.
                            LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                            HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                            Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                            • #15
                              Maybe you could take a photo of a real carrot in the same room at the same time of day to cure your blindness :P

                              I think they are very realistic. Now that I look at them again it appears that the darker ones are facing downwards. I bet it will look allot more clear when they are in motion.

                              Care to share your thoughts on the setup when you finish?


