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Chuch _exterior

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  • Chuch _exterior

    hope you guys like it......
    C&C are always welcome.....

  • #2
    I like the style, do you material it this way or is it done in photoshop?

    I think the composition is a little unbalanced, maybe if the tree was closer to the camera and bigger...
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      The scale of the cars & the street look out of scale to the building, but I really love the rendering as a whole. The materials & composition is nice, but I do agree about the tree, that maybe it should be bigger & more in the foreground. Why does it have to have no leaves when the rest of the scene's trees look like they are all in summer? The lower sky on the left side could use a little help to make it blend in better, but overall I think the sky is fantastic. That is the most 'office' looking church I have ever seen. Did they design it that way so when they go out of business they can sell it easily?

      Also it would be nice to see a few people in there.

      Great rendering & thanks for sharing your work.
      Tim Nelson


      • #4
        Thanks for the comment...guys....
        because of The camera view...i couldn't put proper shadow...and the windows of building was so weak,.,,,so i did make dark side of them at the photoshop....
        about tree, sky and cars i totally agree,,,,,but when the tree is bigger it breaks the balance of the picture...... that's why i made it smaller

        curtain hall part, it's more likely space for the office and the right side of building is for prayer,,,,,,hope my client get this project....


        • #5
          is that church?

          It looks more like some company headquaters.


          • #6
            nice "rendering" ...
            but I agree with jedisalf ..
            without the cross on top of this building ,it will be a commercial,or some company headquaters
            that cannot be a chruch !!!


            • #7
              Sometimes religion can be very good business, so why not a corporate church?


              • #8
                that is the disease of the century.
                very nice chuch... very nice.

                is it microsoft?

