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silk material testing

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  • silk material testing

    Helo ewerybody. I wanted to test same tipe of silk material. I love interier lighting and compositing and of course there can´t miss a silk material. For testing I´ll choose a madona statue from free stuff (thanks a lot), cloth simulated in maya. I wanted created a animation. I choose a settings -3,-2 , becouse a read somewhere that vray light produce 80% of shadows in scene..and there I can save some time(this settings take something around 4 minutes, with -3,-1 takes something around 6 minutes on my celeron 2.4 , 512 Mb DDR ram, Vray 1.09.03r), but I see a some noisy on the statue...Where is problem? Thanks a lot..All C&C are velcome....
    P.S. adding some shine on prelight parts of statue on picture in photoshop (gaussian blure)...

    Video Madona atelier:

  • #2
    nice silk! as to your problems, just set the irradiance map preset to medium animation and that should be alot closer to what you probably need for quality. since theres no moving geometry, you wont have to calculate the irradiance map for every frame.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      thanks for reply...I have a guestion....I know that I can save my irradiance map, my mystake. I'll choose medium animation..But I don't want to know rendering time , one problem..If Vray render animation, he alwais compute new irr map but he puting sample to another place isn't it? And there is problem. I see some video tutorial from loocas dober [czek speaking, realy perfect, 6 peacis of tutorial,] for Final Render, and there was something like checking entry for animation, irr will put samples to the same place or near place...that will fix my problem...V ray hasn't something like that isn't it? Thanks for help... If you have some tips for animation in Vray [better rendering time, no flickering] will realy help.
      P.S. sorry for my horryble english....


      • #4
        the irradiance add to current map is probably what your looking for. it only adds detail not found (for the most part) in the new view. so if you calculate an irradiance map for frame one, then save it, switch to add to current map mode, then from then on it will recalculate and add additional samples where needed. perfect for anims where ONLY the camera moves. for your avi, you probably only need to calculate like 3 irradiance map frames. the first frame the last frame and maybe one in the middle. after youve done that, then you just render your anim from the saved irradiance map. and you can get away with very high quality irradiance map settings because your ontly computing a few frames. get it? sorry for the run on paragraph.

        for slow moving camera, you might only need to calculate irradiance maps for every 15-20 frames, faster camera require irrad maps every fewer frames like maybe every 5-10 frames.

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


        • #5
          thanks...Yea I understand it. I'll choose this technique for camera rotating on circle path around car. I create some renders with hight irr map samples maybe 10 around 360degre and than merge it in irr viewer, that was ok, and rendering time were perfect... If I understand it, I choose a add to current map, and Vray will calculate only points which he hasn't. That is I thing realy what I want. Thanks for tip...But I thing for animation where is moving objests or some material changes it is the same like recalculate all map. But goot to know it. Thank a lot. Btw I like Your nick gif animation, pritty good idea for Vray masters

          P.S. One idea. Can I bake irr, colour to texture [iff I have static object of course] and then render only reflection?? It is possible? Thank a lot....BC...


          • #6
            the latest beta currently supports max's native render to texture, but it will only render out the entire material not just lighting, etc. hopefully that will change before 1.5

            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #7
              Thank, you are help me a lot....BC...

