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Lease space fitout for office or gym

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  • Lease space fitout for office or gym

    Recent project I'm working for a real estate company that wants to show potential buyers some options for a space that's currently empty. Done with V-Ray 3.6 for Blender 2.79
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Main critique is the people you used.
    It's too much CG-like .
    You should change with a classic cutout people billboard (inserted into the scene or photoshopped) or find a more realistic 3d human library.
    Otherwise give away them and the result will be more pleasure.

    Other matters are:
    - some models are too low polygon density. I'm referring, for example, to the table and air conduct on the ceiling
    - the wall material needs a bit of displacement, in particular when you see it from a tangent POV


    • #3
      Thanks bardo I appreciate the feedback! Yeah, I've had that person in there as a placeholder as I was working on it, but I should have replaced it. I'm waiting on client feedback, so next round I will definitely get a more realistic person in there. I see what you mean about the flatness of the brick, it can definitely use some displacement. Looking at the ceiling I realized I should ease the edges of the concrete beams too, they shouldn't be that sharp.

      I'm caught a bit between my workflow and the amount of time I have to get a project out the door. I'm pulling in most of my material from Sketchup - which then often needs extra work to add subdivisions and other refinement. I spent way too much time on the conference table legs getting the topology cleaned up so I can add some subtle distress maps.


      • #4
        Great images. I like the relaxed camera positions.

        If I may critique, all the images would benefit from adjusting the gamma in Photoshop. (image/adjust/exposure - gamma slider)
        Or even just adjusting the levels - almost the same thing.

        I see this a lot in the galleries so maybe it's just my taste talking.


        • #5
          Thanks pixelwks. Do you think they are too dark? I was adjusting exposure in the VFB, and saved a preset that I thought balanced reasonably well for all of them since I rendered this as a batch (I set up each camera view as a frame, and when I'm done, render as a frame by frame animation.) I may not have found the right balance between the sunlight strength and the global illumination.


          • #6
            Click image for larger version

Name:	image_38584.jpg
Views:	115
Size:	1.07 MB
ID:	967408
            No I don't think too dark at all.
            Just a touch of gamma in the darker direction. In my workflow it's like a magic button. The images start to pop.


            • #7
              I agree, that one did look a little washed out. Often I'll add a curves adjustments layer in Photoshop to bring up the contrast.


              • #8
                Nice work Andy! I love the overall illumination and the materials.
                Windows 10 Pro, 2x GTX 1070, AMD Ryzen7 1800X, 32 GB DDR4 Ram, V-Ray Standalone/Blender, V-Ray 3 for Sketchup, V-Ray 3 for Modo


                • #9
                  Originally posted by afecelis View Post
                  Nice work Andy! I love the overall illumination and the materials.
                  Thanks Alvaro!

