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My first full Vray Job. Your views, please.

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  • My first full Vray Job. Your views, please.

    First off, I want to thank every one in the forum who has helped me out when I've needed it. Without this board I'd have been in deep shh........

    I've just got to the end of a frantic job and now I have a little time to upload some images. These are the best of the lot. They are from a walkthrough from an interactive CD and the movie is rendered at 500 x 375. This is why they are so small.

    Here they are..........

    All comments are welcome.


    Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?

  • #2
    wow. a awalk through anim. you chose a tough assignment for your 1st full vray work hehe. nice stuff

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
    stupid questions the forum can answer.


    • #3

      I didn't choose a walkthrough. We had the brief before we had the software. I thought that I'd just get on with Vray but it's proved tougher than I thought. I have had some very late nights.

      I can relax for a little while now.

      Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


      • #4
        WELL DONe...
        I See You are an ULTRA fan, aren't U !
        There's nothing wrong in that... You know
        .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


        • #5
          talk about throwing yourself in at the deep end. nice stuff.


          • #6
            Great job, the last one is my fav. Looks like a photo



            • #7
              Nice work! Especially for an animation. This must have taken a long while to render. What kind of frame times did you get for this kind of quality?



              • #8
                excellent effort for a first job

                better than most of the jobs im charging people money for

                keep it up!


                • #9
                  Thanks for all the nice comments chaps.

                  Like I said, it would have been impossible without this forum. I would like to single out Natty for special thanks, although he's not the only one who has helped me, but he has provided the answers I needed at the time I needed them. Thank god he's always online. I'm starting to wonder if he's actually a programmed simulation who lives in the computer.

                  I've have been using 3D Studio for ages. It's just VRAY that I'm new to. I'm already familiar with modelling, lights, cameras and animation.

                  I had tried Vray for an external movie before this job, but these are the first interiors. My exteriors are nowhere near as realistic yet. I'm working on it. I need photoshop yet for the exteriors.

                  I started this job just after Christmas and there's been two of us working on it. One guy has done most of the modelling and I do all the rendering, lights and animation.

                  We used and for all of the furniture (thanks to Natty and Dave for the links) . We just didn't have time to model any furniture at all. The whole thing has been done a rush. The bed is really obvious, but looks great.

                  The frames are rendered at 500x375 and run at 25 fps. I used the default 'Medium-Animation' from the render settings and left it at that.

                  I have a Dell Prescision (Dual XEON with 2mb RAM, thanks for the advice again chaps). With incremental rendering the last image you can see was taking about 1 minute per frame once it got going. I have had to cut a lot of corners.

                  Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


                  • #10
                    Excellent work! Just one crit, I would prefer the background image seen through the windows to be brighter and colder.

                    Is the development its for local?

                    Dan Brew


                    • #11
                      Thanks Dan.

                      Yeah, it's local. About a stones throw from your workplace. Exchange Quay. This is the posh apartment at the top of the building.

                      Colder and brighter background? I think I know what you mean. Are you saying that the background image is too obvious? That it should be more 'in the background'? so to speak. When I look at it now it looks a bit 'colouful'.

                      Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


                      • #12
                        Yeah, it's just that I was taking some pics out of the window this morning to use as backgounds. So I suppose it was on my mind.

                        Here's an example of what I mean..
                        Dan Brew


                        • #13
                          Good stuff. Is that one of yours?

                          How have you acheved that background? It looks really real. Have you brightened the image in Photoshop, or messed with the output in 3D Max, or what?

                          I will give it a try.

                          Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


                          • #14
                            Thanks, it's one of the tests I did this morning, the twin towers, to the left of the middle window are the ones your flythro is for.

                            I changed the gamma in photoshop to something like 2.5 and brought some of the depth back by increasing the contrast. I should have given it a blue/cyan tint as well to make it a bit colder. Just trial and error really...
                            Dan Brew


                            • #15
                              Wait there I'll give it a try.

                              This is not for the towers, by the way. It's for XQ7 which is at Taylerson Street.

                              Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?

