a quick WIP for a client as usual all comments welcome.. grain and all ..
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Quick wip grain and all
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yup the lighting is really nice!
maybe a stupid comment, but a little thing that bugs me is the part of the light fixture you can see at the very top of the pic on the right hand side. since all we can see of it is that small small part, I think you would be better off taking it away completely...
I also think the perspektive is a bit strange... cant put my finger on it, but I feel the floor is leaning down to the left of the image...
whats the green front of the desk? a fishtank?
thanks guy's ... yeah the perspective is really drawn back ... due to the client request ... i told him that it will make things look odd .. but hey
I think the quality looks fantastic. Great lighting and excellent addition of the background image. Love the reflection in the window too. One issue with that perspective (possibly) is that the chairs seem relatively short in comparison to the height of the door handles.
yeah as i said the perspective is way off ...as per clients request ..
nice work natty...besides the perspective, i would say that the window needs to be brighter than most of the interior artificial lights.
even on an overcast day, skylight is much stronger than artificial light sources.
if you make the reflection from the window stronger, it adds more depth to your space and links it to the outside better.