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PCIe slot blocked by neighbor card - is an angled cable solution still possible?

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  • PCIe slot blocked by neighbor card - is an angled cable solution still possible?


    big graphic cards are blocking the next neighbor slot often and I ask me is it possible to use this blocked slot with a special angled extension cable? At the moment I have two cards inside the machine and one outside per extension cable. I would like to use a fourth card. Or is the best solution to use a splitter for the one slot where I use the cable?

    -Micha ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    I looked around at the web and found strange looking reverse cables? I'm not sure for what the cable are build? Can this cable be used for slots below graphic cards?
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 08-27-22 at 03.26 PM.jpg
Views:	893
Size:	204.6 KB
ID:	1158252 ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Hey Micha,

      A PCIe splitter will affect bandwidth/latency and might introduce issues(a splitter takes a single PCIe slot and splits it into 2 slots), riser cables on the other hand are a lot better. They extend the PCIe slot and keep latency/bandwidth if you buy something of high quality. All the do is extend the PCIe slot, which is what you want in your case.

      For my machine I use 4x 3090s with riser cables, take a look here

      without riser cables I can only fit one GPU on the board directly

      Let me know if you have more questions, and sorry for the late reply. I have been very busy recently

      Muhammed Hamed
      V-Ray GPU product specialist


      • #4
        Hi Muhammed,

        your machine looks very nice, I like the open frame system. Thank you for sharing the photo and your experience.

        I can direct fit two cards without a raiser cable (first and last slot) and a third one per raiser cable. The fourth PCIe port is below the cooler of the first card. I decided me to test a raiser cable with reverse connector and ordered it some days before. The space behind the cooler of the first card could be enough. My hope is that I can use the hidden PCIe connector. I will write here if I got it and can test it.

        Micha ... visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Thanks Micha, let me know how this goes

          best is to use 3 riser cables, so one card only is on board, and the 3 other cards are outside
          What board do you have?

          bending the riser cables is fine btw, if you will not take it on and off often

          Muhammed Hamed
          V-Ray GPU product specialist


          • #6
            I have a X399 Taichi. Only the last used slot doesn't block a next slot. I use a standard tower and at the moment I have two cards on the board and one outside per riser cable. If I got the inverse cable I will post some photos.
   ... visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              Yesterday I got the reverse cable from China and it works.

              The connector is a little too high and the card above it has to be pressed quite hard for it to latch into its slot, but it works.

              I think anyone who wants to could also sand down the reverse connector a little - on both sides. Maybe it's enough to take away a millimeter on the side of the contacts, because as you can see in the product picture (above), the contacts don't go all the way to the edge and maybe then the plug will go a little deeper into the slot.

              I asked the manufacturer for a cable with a length of 45 cm and he included it in his offer. I am satisfied

              So I have two cards directly on the mainboard and one behind the PC and one on the side - 2x3090 and 2x2080ti.

              The power consumption is max. 1390W and my power supply unit with 1500W should manage it.

              (Ooops, my computer is quite dusty. )

              Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_6474_1.jpg
Views:	781
Size:	1.14 MB
ID:	1160937
              Attached Files
     ... visualization for designer and architects


              • #8
                Thanks for sharing Micha

                I'm glad you got it to work, congratulations

                No shame on having the GPUs on your desk or your floor, I did that in the past haha


                Last edited by Muhammed_Hamed; 29-09-2022, 10:13 AM.
                Muhammed Hamed
                V-Ray GPU product specialist


