Alrighty! I spend a good day experimenting with RT-GPU and was overall pleased with the results. There was though an interesting test I did which gave me some experiences I'd like to share for the eternal bug-hunt.
First my critical system's specs:
DELL Precision Workstation T7500
Dual Xeon E5530 2.4ghz Quad-Core, Hyper-Threaded 8mb L3 cache 1mb L2
24GB DDR3 Memory
Dual NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800 cards with 1.5GB memory each
4 x 420gb 15,000rpm SAS drives in RAID array
Windows 7 Ultimate - 64bit
3ds MAX 2011 - 64bit
Anyhow, here is the scene rendered with V-Ray Production. (this is the kitchen from my new apartment)

Nice, clean and quick.
Here is the same scene pushed through V-Ray RT CPU:

First of all, the intensity and warmth shifted noticeably but it did take less time to get a satisfying image for making adjustments.
Here is the same scene using V-Ray RT GPU:

First of all, as the stats indicate, I was getting over six times the "Kpath/s" performance, but even still, I feel the image was far less refined than the CPU render.
The CPU render boasted 56 samples/pixel reached and managed a cleaner image than the 384 samples/pixel reached.
One thing of note, the GPU render was so under-exposed compared to the CPU, I had to change the shutter speed and "ISO" of the camera to compensate.
You can download and test the scene here: On my Website
Still, with my other experiments, I am very hopeful for the excellence that is V-Ray 2.0 both CPU and GPU!
First my critical system's specs:
DELL Precision Workstation T7500
Dual Xeon E5530 2.4ghz Quad-Core, Hyper-Threaded 8mb L3 cache 1mb L2
24GB DDR3 Memory
Dual NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800 cards with 1.5GB memory each
4 x 420gb 15,000rpm SAS drives in RAID array
Windows 7 Ultimate - 64bit
3ds MAX 2011 - 64bit
Anyhow, here is the scene rendered with V-Ray Production. (this is the kitchen from my new apartment)

Nice, clean and quick.
Here is the same scene pushed through V-Ray RT CPU:

First of all, the intensity and warmth shifted noticeably but it did take less time to get a satisfying image for making adjustments.
Here is the same scene using V-Ray RT GPU:

First of all, as the stats indicate, I was getting over six times the "Kpath/s" performance, but even still, I feel the image was far less refined than the CPU render.
The CPU render boasted 56 samples/pixel reached and managed a cleaner image than the 384 samples/pixel reached.
One thing of note, the GPU render was so under-exposed compared to the CPU, I had to change the shutter speed and "ISO" of the camera to compensate.
You can download and test the scene here: On my Website
Still, with my other experiments, I am very hopeful for the excellence that is V-Ray 2.0 both CPU and GPU!