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question about Pcie

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  • question about Pcie


    When i put only 1 CGcard inside my box, pcie is working in 16Xmode.
    If i put 2 cg cards, the 2 cards are working in pcie 8x mode.

    So, here is my question :

    Is it better to distributed rendering : 1 box with a 480GT in Pcie16x + An other with a 280GT in PCie16X
    Or is it better to put the 2 cards ( 480 + 280 ) inside the same Box but with Pcie 8X only ?

    thanks to share your knowledges
    GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
    freelance 3D artist

  • #2
    Hello ghiom3d,

    I think, that problem is depending on your mainboard. On my mainboard (and on many others) the two (or even 7) pci ports were working with 16X. But I can`t tell you if there is a technical slowdown for the cuda cores, when connected to a pcie 8X.
    - Sascha


    • #3
      hello Sascha,

      My Mainboard is a Dell . And if i plug more than 1 CG, the pcie is limitted to 8X .
      So, that's the question !
      Is 8x really less powerfull than 16X for 3DSMAX viewport and/or Cuda rendering ?
      Can we really saw a difference or is it just a commercial benchmark thing when using CG cards like 480gt ?

      Vlado or another technical master can answer this ?
      GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
      freelance 3D artist


      • #4
        I think u should ask that in Hardware section, but from other hand why wont u just test it urself?
        CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look

