I'm about to preorder VRay 2.0, yes!! My computer is an i7 with the Quadro FX 1800 GPU. You think its worth to make the update? Is GPU so much faster than the CPU-rendering? I tested RT for CPU and must say that it was always too slow, so I mostly still did the "oldfashioned" method: hiding most of the objects and render just the important objects in very low settings..
Thanks a lot,
I'm about to preorder VRay 2.0, yes!! My computer is an i7 with the Quadro FX 1800 GPU. You think its worth to make the update? Is GPU so much faster than the CPU-rendering? I tested RT for CPU and must say that it was always too slow, so I mostly still did the "oldfashioned" method: hiding most of the objects and render just the important objects in very low settings..
Thanks a lot,