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Vray RT GPU and Tesla cards

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  • Vray RT GPU and Tesla cards


    I'm trying to catch infos on the net about RT Gpu render engine tested with Nvidia Tesla cards but I'm not finding so much useful informations, demos, videos, articles...

    Is there available some demonstration video about Vray RT GPU and Tesla?

    Thank you very much!

  • #2
    We do have some Tesla 2050 cards and it runs fine with them, that's all can I can say for the moment

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      There's this one... - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


      • #4
        Jeff Paton did some spam about it.
        CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


        • #5
          Originally posted by vlado View Post
          We do have some Tesla 2050 cards and it runs fine with them, that's all can I can say for the moment

          Best regards,
          Thank you for your answers...
          the shop here in Italy where I often provide for hardware, is starting to sell workstations tested and ready with Tesla cards for GPU rendering. They've mounted a workstation for iRay with 3 Tesla cards... this is the cheaper workstation:

          Render GPU X55SM X8DTG Rack 4U, 1.4KW Rd. Xeon 56XX
          Audio+2Lan1G 6SATA RAID 4PCIEx16 12 DDR3 + 1 Tesla C2050

          It costs 3800euros, the same with 4 Tesla is 9800euros..

          considering that a product like that:

          PNY NVIDIA Tesla C2050 Processore di elaborazione per GPU
          3 GB di RAM GDDR5 PCIe x16, 520-630GFlops

          is 1975.56 Euros... well... I'd like to take a look before buying it to some demo video of what this new technology (software and hardware) can really do.

          All demo videos about Vray RT Gpu that I've seen are realized with GTX cards on simple scenes, but we all know that in practice on a real job scenes are more complex then just a single "element" on a undefined background. And as Jeff Patton wisely says GTX cards are not built for a massive GPU rendering process.

          so, please Vlado, don't be shy if you can let me see what a 1975.56 euros cards + 870euros software can do on a common complex scene

          Thank you for your constant support


          • #6
            Hey Daniele I think u can answer that question yourself. GPU rendering is very limited so if you have.. .FOG/Caustic/Atmosphere effects/Vrayblend/skin/and a lot more in your scene then U cant use it. GPU rendering is stuck at very basic lvl. Even things like include/exclude lights dont work, atleast for RT so dont put ur hopes too high... Better w8 for next year
            CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

   - come and look


            • #7
              Originally posted by DADAL View Post
              Hey Daniele I think u can answer that question yourself. GPU rendering is very limited so if you have.. .FOG/Caustic/Atmosphere effects/Vrayblend/skin/and a lot more in your scene then U cant use it. GPU rendering is stuck at very basic lvl. Even things like include/exclude lights dont work, atleast for RT so dont put ur hopes too high... Better w8 for next year
              Yes Dadal, I completely agree with you.


