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Mixing AMD and Intel in a 3dS Max / V-Ray renderfarm ?

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  • Mixing AMD and Intel in a 3dS Max / V-Ray renderfarm ?

    Hi all,

    We are considering selling our old AMD based render farm servers when we get our new Intel based ones.

    Why? We have heard/read people having had issues with DR renderered images where buckets would be of different color/look from one AMD render server and the bucket next to it coming from an Intel based server. This was supposedly due to different way of doing floating point calculations, especially if procedural materials were being used.

    Can anyone say to the contrary? Are we wise to sell those old servers or should we keep them? They are 4 Iwill DK88 1u Dual Amd Opteron Dual Core at 2.2 Ghz with 12 Gb of RAM so they would be beneficial to keep if there are indeed no known issues with this.

    Digital Storytelling
    Kim Baumann Larsen
    Creative Director

  • #2
    and i heard something bad will happend to them who use AMD systems ahh i know, cpus will blow up and your computer room will burn

    are you litlle child or thinking man ?


    • #3
      No trouble here. I don't think this is an issue. Anyone else?


      • #4
        I have had this issue, but it was a WHILE back, probably at least 6 years ago during the Pentium 4 era. For some reason back then, AMD and Intel were rendering different for us. It shouldn't be an issue now, or at least I have not heard of there being a problem.

        As for selling or keeping, it just depends on how much IT time you want to put into older computers when you have to update plugins and things like that. In some instances, it is a PITA to update a bunch of slow old machines because of the minimal return. One new node for us equals about 4 old nodes, so I am hoping to get ride of all the old nodes....hopefully. YMMV
        Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
        Midwest Studios


        • #5
          This is not an issue. We have both.

