I have one Quadro CX and one GTX260.
It's really difficult to sync these two boards. Sometime works, sometime don't.
Sometime the scene is completely white, if I use only the Quadro CX board the render is ok.
After having renderized with Vray RT GPU I'm not able to shut down 3ds Max (2010), I have to close it through the task manager.
Sometime with one single GPU all the scene is overexposed. I close Max, reopen it and it's ok.
There is a problem with fog. I have some glass elements in the scene with 0,01 meter thickness. With Vray legacy the render is ok, glasses are blue. With GPU glasses are black.
Sometime when I shut off the vray sun it stay on.
If I use Vray RT like production render is impossible to find the vraysky texture. So I have to switch in Vray classic mode, then Vray RT losing all the parameters.
Please repair Vray RT GPU, it's a little bit buggy.
Best regards.
It's really difficult to sync these two boards. Sometime works, sometime don't.
Sometime the scene is completely white, if I use only the Quadro CX board the render is ok.
After having renderized with Vray RT GPU I'm not able to shut down 3ds Max (2010), I have to close it through the task manager.
Sometime with one single GPU all the scene is overexposed. I close Max, reopen it and it's ok.
There is a problem with fog. I have some glass elements in the scene with 0,01 meter thickness. With Vray legacy the render is ok, glasses are blue. With GPU glasses are black.
Sometime when I shut off the vray sun it stay on.
If I use Vray RT like production render is impossible to find the vraysky texture. So I have to switch in Vray classic mode, then Vray RT losing all the parameters.
Please repair Vray RT GPU, it's a little bit buggy.
Best regards.