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Differences between RT GPU and 'normal' Vray

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  • #16

    I read that Vray2SidedMtl i partial supported
    Which are the limitation right now? Is it something with the translucency?

    Kind Regards!


    • #17
      Originally posted by allemyr View Post
      I read that Vray2SidedMtl i partial supported
      Which are the limitation right now? Is it something with the translucency?
      The "multiply by front diffuse" option is not working on the GPU; also opacity in the base materials might behave somewhat weirdly.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #18
        I have a x3 titan X GPU system and needless to say raytracing is fast. I'm completely sold on GPU and I believe my industry (Automotive) will adopt this in a big way in the next few years. I've managed to load full data sets of automotive CAD (engine/chassis/interior/exterior) over 4-6 million polys and many thousands of objects and get very fast interaction. Presently 12GB of GPU memory is sufficient in most scenes but for very complex shots it could be on the low side. From the sounds of things pascal will introduce much more memory and faster interaction with the motherboard and perhaps better memory management across gpus.

        Presently I'm finding V-Ray limited for GPU which is understandable because it's primarily a cpu solution but the efforts to re write vray for CUDA has been impressive. Currently I'm using I-Ray for Maya and Redshift to utilize my GPUS...I like I-Ray for its realism and MDL material libraries but I must admit there's no complete replacement for vray as an all rounder.

        Do you guys have a roadmap for vRay GPU and will it ever be more than an RT solution and be fully implemented as a production rendering solution?

        I would like to see area light directional supported. I use it all the time to focus my lights on a studio cove or to pump up specular contribution.
        Director & 3D Artist at Focal CGI


        • #19
          I would like to see area light directional supported.
          This will be implemented, yes.

          Do you guys have a roadmap for vRay GPU and will it ever be more than an RT solution and be fully implemented as a production rendering solution?
          Define "production rendering solution"... If you mean a renderer that implements every single option and feature of the current V-Ray CPU renderer, I don't see this happening anytime soon. Although, of course, the supported features on the GPU will get closer and closer to the CPU renderer to the point where differences might not really matter. On the other hand, if you mean a renderer that can be used for production purposes, this is possible even now and we have clients that have completely switched over to GPU rendering for production work. For comparison, V-Ray RT GPU has way more features than V-Ray 1.0 when it was released...

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

