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Max 2013 heavier on videocard (without nitrous)?

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  • Max 2013 heavier on videocard (without nitrous)?


    I recently convinced myself to upgrade my max 2010 to 2013. One thing I notice is that even on an empty scene, my videocard's fan immediatly starts to speed up. I switched to direct 3D as I used in max 2010, still the same issue. Also the card is very slow from the moment I turn on edged faces or simply turn to wireframe view.

    I'm using a GTX580 which is supposed to be a decent card for max. I do mainly product viz and most scenes are not very heavy. I do use npowertranslator to bring in nurbs data (step or rhino files), so these wireframes are a bit different than max's meshed wireframes. But even on simple scenes viewport speed is very poor.

    Anyone elso noticed this graphics card behaviour in max 2013? Don't think it's a good idea to let the card heat up that much all day long (the fan speed increases just like when it would while doing video edits, where it's normal as this uses the GPU all the time quite heavily).


    Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps

  • #2
    Are you leaving edged faces turned off? gaming cards do not deal well with it.

    When I need to edit something i've got a shortcut setup which isolates selected and turns edges faces on, then goes back to shaded when leaving isolated. makes everything run so much quicker.


    • #3
      Another thing, with any type of nurb/engineering data, make sure to select all of that geometry and turn off "backface cull". It will greatly improve your viewport performance.

      One of the main reasons for getting a Quadro card was due to using the engineering data / body object within Max.
      Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
      Midwest Studios


      • #4
        Yes I leave edged faces turned on, I find it much easier selecting objects that way. And indeed then it gets slow. Same when switching to wireframe view.

        Ok will turn off backface cull, thanks for the tip!

        But still I wonder why max 2013 makes the card fan spin faster while max 2010 didn't have that problem.

        I'm looking into the quadro cards, but get lost quickly on all the different models. Any idea from what price range I might see a significant improvement in wireframe (edged faces) viewport speed compared to the card I am using now? Don't want to spend €1000 to see that it's still the same
        Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


        • #5
          4x as much is generally our experience when we tested. That's when I made those shortcuts.

          You can also switch to 'display selected with edged faces' to get the same feedback if something is actually selected or not.


          • #6
            FYI max 2014 is up to 5x faster in the viewport vs 2013... well worth the upgrade.

