They've taken the page down but it was up 5 mins ago.
£760 incl. VAT. That's a great price..! They are currently selling overclocked bundles OC to 3.6ghz, which is not amazing, but I've had confirmation that they easily go to 4.2-4.7ghz using custom WC loops, so should comfortably hit 3.8-4ghz using a closed-loop like a Corsair H100 or similar.
Current DDR4 supply is very slow, so bundles are at 16GB but they are expecting 32GB and 64GB bundles to be available soon.
Good price! Very surprised...
Eagerly awaiting some Cinebench/similar benchmark comparisons between 3930k, 5960X and Xeons.
They've taken the page down but it was up 5 mins ago.
£760 incl. VAT. That's a great price..! They are currently selling overclocked bundles OC to 3.6ghz, which is not amazing, but I've had confirmation that they easily go to 4.2-4.7ghz using custom WC loops, so should comfortably hit 3.8-4ghz using a closed-loop like a Corsair H100 or similar.
Current DDR4 supply is very slow, so bundles are at 16GB but they are expecting 32GB and 64GB bundles to be available soon.
Good price! Very surprised...
Eagerly awaiting some Cinebench/similar benchmark comparisons between 3930k, 5960X and Xeons.